FAQs: CME SMART Advanced Technologies for Global Growth


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Program Update: CME SMART Advanced Technologies for Global Growth program will not be accepting applications after July 31, 2016. Please contact a Proactive Funding Planner to discuss alternate business grants for your company.

The CME SMART Advanced Technologies for Global Growth (CME SMART) program is supported through funding by FedDev Ontario and supports southern Ontario manufacturers as they increase production competitiveness and grow their export revenue. CME SMART provides two streams for businesses to use; the Advanced Technology Assessment stream and the Advanced Technology Adoption stream. This article provides answers to some of the most common questions about the CME SMART Advanced Technologies for Global Growth program.

What is the program objective?

CME SMART seeks to further develop southern Ontario’s manufacturing and exporting abilities through the adoption of advanced technologies. Through the program’s two streams, manufacturers will be able to assess the current technological needs of their business, then implement changes to eliminate potential weaknesses and lead to export success. The result of these improvements is greater productivity and the new or increased ability to sell to international markets.

Who is eligible to receive CME SMART Ontario government grants?

Businesses eligible to receive CME SMART funding are southern Ontario manufacturers which have been incorporated for over two years, employ between 15-1000 full-time staff, and have a clearly defined export market which they are either active in or will be active in once technological improvements have been made.

How much government grant funding can my manufacturing business receive?

Manufacturers can receive a maximum of $100,000 in government funding grants through CME SMART. If your business requires a technological assessment, 50% of eligible expenses will be reimbursed up to $15,000. The Technology Adoption stream will enable manufacturers to receive up to 35% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $100,000.

In the case where a manufacturer applies for both streams, they will be able to receive funding for a maximum $100,000 between the two. Therefore, if they claimed $15,000 in government funding to receive technology assessments, a maximum of $85,000 would be provided for technology adoption.

Which projects are eligible to receive small business grants?

The Technology Assessment stream relates to receiving third party assessments of manufacturing technology. Applicants will be able to engage qualified professionals to review current production capabilities and identify where manufacturing issues, such as bottlenecks and other inefficiencies, exist.

Alternately, the Technology Adoption stream allows businesses to implement solutions to the issues. Manufacturers may purchase and implement new technologies such as robotics, information and communications technologies (ICT) and additive manufacturing technologies, to name a few.

What expenses are eligible to receive Ontario government grants?

Many project expenses can be claimed through CME SMART including market assessments and feasibility studies from SMART certified professionals, other consulting fees, purchase of software or equipment, installation of equipment, and product certification/preparedness for sale in export markets.

What are the deadlines for applying to CME SMART Advanced Technologies for Global Growth?

All projects must be completed by June 2017 to be considered for government funding grants.

If you have a project which would receive funding through CME SMART, contact Ryan today and one of our Government Funding Experts will assist you through the first steps of the application process.

Learn More about CME SMART Ontario Government Grants

Get Started     Program Overview     Eligibility Criteria

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Ryan’ team of Canadian Government Funding Experts are dedicated to helping your business find and apply for government grants and loans. Our consulting services help transform businesses to become more productive and ready to capitalize on market opportunities. View our new page of Canadian government funding resources to become better informed of your options. Exporting manufacturers will be specifically interested in our Guide to Export Expansion white paper, which identifies government tools and publications to help your small business grow internationally. We also host frequent small business funding webinars which outline a variety of the grants and loans which we can help your company obtain. For daily government funding news and resources, follow us on social media through our Twitter and LinkedIn profiles.

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