FAQs: AgriInnovation Industry-led Research and Development


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Innovation Green Road Sign with dramatic blue sky and clouds.The AgriInnovation program, offered through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), has two streams of funding: Industry-led R&D Projects and Enabling Commercialization & Adoption. This article intends to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Industry-led Research and Development stream of the Growing Forward 2 Federal Program, AgriInnovation.

Who is eligible to apply for the Industry-led R&D Stream?

The Industry-led R&D program is open to accepting applications from research institutions, NFP organizations and for profit businesses. Applicants must be working in collaboration with: industry, academic and potentially, government entities.

What is the objective of the program?

This program offers AAFC Canadian government grants aimed at funding projects that deal with national or regional issues of importance to the agriculture and agri-food industry. The two substreams of funding are directed towards the size and scope of the project. The Cluster substream is for projects with a national scope. The Project substream is for projects with a smaller or more regional focus.

What amounts of funding are available through AAFC Canadian government grants for industry-led R&D?

For the Cluster substream, funding is available for up to $20 million dollars in Canadian government grants (at a maximum of $10 million per year). For the Project substream, funding is available to a maximum of $5 million in Canadian government grants. The type of funding (grant or loan) is dependent on the type of applicant. Academic or not-for-profit applicants will receive the funding as a grant for 50-75% of the project costs. For-profit businesses will receive the funding as a loan for up to 50% of project costs.

What types of projects are eligible for Canadian government grants or loans funding?

The project focus should be on an R&D project that solves a key industry concern. Eligible activities include basic research, prototyping, innovation, investigation into innovative technologies, processes etc. that would impact the sector in a positive way by increasing market share or increasing competitiveness.

What types of costs are eligible for funding from the Industry-led R&D stream?

Costs that are directly applicable to the project in these categories are eligible for funding:

  • Administration
  • Salaries/Benefits
  • Contracted Services
  • Travel
  • Capital/Assets
  • Other Direct Project Costs

Costs that are not eligible are ongoing costs associated with running a business, overhead costs and expenses not associated directly with the project.

What is the application deadline for AAFC Canadian government grants and loans for Industry-led R&D?

The Industry-Led R&D Program has three deadlines each year: February 1, June 1, and October 1, 2014.

Learn More about AAFC Canadian government grants for Industry-led R&D

Find out additional information, or get started on your application by selecting “get started.”


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