Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) Energy Savings for Businesses Stream


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Through funding programs and additional services, Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) supports innovative technology projects and infrastructure upgrades for Alberta businesses. There are two small business grant funding streams offered by ERA to promote growth and reduce emissions in the province: the ACT4 and Energy Savings for Businesses streams. 

“ERA was created in 2009 to help deliver on the province’s environmental and economic goals. ERA takes action on climate change and supports economic growth by investing in the pilot, demonstration and deployment of clean technology solutions that reduce GHGs, lower costs, attract investment, and create jobs in Alberta.” 

Emissions Reduction Alberta 

As the ACT4 stream was closed at time of writing, this article  focuses on the Energy Savings for Business Stream which has an upcoming intake deadline. 

As of February 22, 2023, the ERA’s Energy Savings for Business Stream has committed up to 86% of their total funding allotment. If your business is interested in applying for this program, please act as soon as possible before funding is fully committed. 

Funding Amount 

Applicants for this program may be eligible to receive up to $250,000 per project and up to $1 million per parent company. Incentive value and contribution percentage is based on equipment purchased. 

Eligibility Criteria  

Eligible applicants must meet three requirements : 

  • Conduct a business, including non-profits, cooperatives, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations; 
  • Be a privately owned entity and is not a government agency; and 
  • Receive less than 50% of its annual revenue from a public authority. 

Eligible Facilities 

Eligible facilities must meet the following six criteria: 

  • It is located in Alberta; 
  • It is owned or leased  by the applicant; 
  • It has been in operation for at least one year; 
  • It must meet at least one of the following criteria: used solely for commercial or industrial purposes; includes only the common areas of a multi-unit residential dwelling; or a remote industrial facility with an applicable facility identification number; 
  • It cannot be a large emitter or optinto TIER Regulation at any time during the term; and 
  • It must continue to operate during the term of the funded measure. 

Eligible Projects 

Through this program, cost-effective high-efficiency products and onsite energy generation technologies qualify for incentives: 

  • Compressed air systems; 
  • Process heating systems; 
  • Geothermal energy; 
  • Refrigeration; 
  • Food services equipment; 
  • HVAC; 
  • Lighting control systems; 
  • Drives and motors; 
  • Water heating osystems; 
  • Combined heat and power (CHP) systems; 
  • Lighting systems; 
  • Building envelope and windows; 
  • Solar air heating; and 
  • Agricultural lighting systems. 

Program Timelines 

Application processing is on a first come, first served basis. A pre-approval notice gives applicants six months to complete the project, submit the final invoice, and provide proof of payment. All projects must be completed by September 30, 2023. 

Find More Funding Opportunities for Clean Energy Projects 

There are many small business grant opportunities available to Alberta businesses that wish to accelerate new and exciting innovations to commercialization to assist in curbing climate change concerns. To see the top programs available, visit our Cleantech Funding Programs Directory

Cleantech companies should also consider signing up for our government funding newsletter to keep informed about government funding program updates and success stories in the cleantech industry. 

Ryan streamlines the government funding process through optimized processes and resources. Businesses are paired with an experienced team of professional grant writers who complete each stage of the funding process. 

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