EIP Program: Grants for Zero-Emission Vehicles R&D Projects


Reading Time: 3 minutes

As Canada continues to strive towards zero-emissions goals by 2050, there are hundreds of funding programs coming out across all industries to support clean technology innovation.From sustainability in agriculture to technology adoption in manufacturing, the Canadian government has invested nearly $21 billion over the next five years to fund the fight against the global climate crisis with cleantech projects to support zero-emissions goals.

One big push in Canada towards zero-emissions is through the automotive sector by encouraging adoption of on-road zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and improving the overall transportation system efficiency across the country. While there is already significant research, development, and funding allocated to the improvements of ZEVs, such as the Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative (ZEVAI) program, new programs are launching in hopes of propelling ZEV innovation into high gear  as soon as possible.

The Energy Innovation Program (EIP) On-road Transportation Decarbonization will support research and development proposals to provide grants of up to $5 million for projects that focus on lowering emissions for the transportation sector. Interested applicants must submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) by July 20, 2023.

For more information on the EIP On-road Transportation Decarbonization, visit the main Government of Canada page. If your business is interested in submitting an EOI and requires support, please contact the Ryan, a Ryan company team for support with the funding application process.  

Funding Snapshot: Energy Innovation Program (EIP) On-road Transportation Decarbonization

The Energy Innovation Program (EIP) On-road Transportation Decarbonization will fund research and development (R&D) and demonstration projects that will help decarbonize the transportation sector by addressing technical and market innovation barriers in Canada in two focus areas:

  • Focus area 1: Low- and zero-emission on-road medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs)
  • Focus area 2: Infrastructure supporting on-road zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and overall transportation system efficiency

Funding Amount

Research & Development Project:

  • 75% of total project costs up to $1.5 million; and
  • Minimum ask of $500,000.

Demonstration Project:

  • 50% of total project costs up to $5 million; and
  • Minimum ask of $1M.

In addition:

  • Approved projects of both types receive non-repayable grants; and
  • Indigenous applicants are eligible to receive up to 100% coverage for both project types.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants must be legal entities incorporated or registered in Canada, including:

  • For-profit and not-for-profit organizations such as electricity and gas utilities, companies, industry associations, research associations, and standards organizations;
  • Community groups; and
  • Canadian academic institutions.
  • Provincial, territorial, regional, and municipal governments and their departments and agencies, where applicable; and
  • Indigenous Organizations

Eligible Projects

Research & Development Activities: (must be at least TRL 3)

  • Development, assessment, testing, and integration of novel and innovative equipment, vehicle components, software, and methodologies, such as:
  • Proof of concept of technologies that include significant technical risk, including field trials, bench-scale testing, pilots, and prototypes; and
  • Analytical tools and modelling software.
  • Pre-demonstration field trials – limited duration tests designed to identify further R&D needs before a technology can proceed to a pre-commercialization demonstration. Such testing is expected to operate for only a short period.

Demonstration Activities: (TRL 5 and achieve TRL 8 by end of project)

  • Installation of a pre-commercial technology with the intent that it continues to operate in its intended operational environment;
  • Modification of existing processes, equipment, or systems to accommodate an innovative technology or process;
  • Installation of equipment and/or infrastructure to support a demonstration, or multiple demonstrations;
  • Associated costs for the engineering, design, and permitting of an installation as identified above, including if required as part of a demonstration; and
  • Operation, performance testing, and analysis of pre-commercial equipment in its intended environment to assess the performance of an innovation.


The deadline for Expressions of Interest (EOI) is July 20, 2023

  • Project Length: Up to 5 Years, starting on or after April 1, 2024;
  • Project can incur eligible project costs after funding approval from NRC; and
  • Notification of EOI Results will be in Fall 2023 (TBD).

Government Funding for Clean Technology Innovation

The need for clean technology solutions around the world is increasing, and government programs are specifically designed to invest in projects that will position Canada as an environmentally friendly and sustainable country.

Check out our list of the Top 5 Government Funding Programs for Canadian Cleantech Innovation that are currently helping Canadian businesses work towards meeting Canada’s zero-emissions goals by 2050.

As more funding programs emerge, stay up to date with our free weekly e-newsletter to be the first in line to access grants, loans, and tax credits that could support your business in joining the global fight against the climate crisis.

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