Government of Canada Funds $377,800 in 6 Infrastructure Northern Ontario Projects
The Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FedNor) recently announced support for six northern Ontario infrastructure projects. Up to $377,800 in Canadian government grants will be provided to northern Ontario municipalities and First Nations communities completing critical infrastructure projects.
These investments are result of the federal government’s Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP 150). Canada 150 grants are available across the country, but each economic development agency has their own rules dictating who can apply, when to apply, and how much funding can be awarded.
FedNor’s CIP 150 program provides infrastructure grants to northern Ontario communities who are renovating, expanding, and improving existing community/cultural infrastructure. Applicants may apply for up to 50% of eligible project expenses to a maximum $100,000 in northern Ontario government grants. Projects must address public infrastructure, and may not be limited to a private membership or religious sects.
Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Grants: Northern Ontario Successes
During November 2016, six community infrastructure projects were awarded CIP 150 Ontario government grants. The successful projects are as follows:
- Bearskin Lake First Nation Community Centre Renovation: Up to $100,000: Bearskin Lake is an Oji-Cree First Nation reserve in Kenora District with a population of 461. Their proposed project seeks renovations to a community centre, including work on the electrical, mechanical and heating systems, a concrete floor, drywall, insulation, painting, and other finishings.Improvements to the community centre will provide residents with a space for gatherings and meetings, as well as recreation, sporting, and social activities.
- Longbow Lake Improved Access Corporation Boat Lift Rehabilitation: Up to $100,000: Longbow Lake is another community in the Kenora District, 11km from the town of Kenora. The proposed project includes rehabilitating the local boat lift to provide consistent access to Lake of the Woods and Kenora.
Improvements include a variety of mechanical upgrades, such as the installation of a winch system and floating docks. - Naotkamegwanning First Nation Arena and Cultural Centre Renovation: Up to $71,000: Naotkamegwanning First Nation, an Ojibway community of 1,200 people located in the Lake of Woods region, was awarded up to $71,000 to undertake improvements to the ChiKeyWis Arena and Cultural Centre. The project will help renovate a commercial kitchen and dining room, addressing plumbing, electrical, fire suppression, and refrigeration upgrades.The improved kitchen facility will open doors to new partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people through cultural activities and events.
- Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls Nature Trail Enhancements: Up to $50,000: The Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls will receive up to $50,000 to enhance nature trails by developing wayfinding, interpretive signs, a trail guidebook, and base camps.These improvements to local infrastructure will support the community’s efforts to increase tourism.
- Township of Ignace Recreation Hub Improvements: Up to $36,800: The Township of Ignace will receive up to $36,800 to improve the Ignace Recreation Hub. The project will include the addition of a skate park to the existing arena, as well as improvements to the bowling alley, fitness centre, and tennis courts.This investment will help increase participation in physical fitness activities for 1,200 local residents.
- Ochiichagwe’Babigo’Ining Ojibway Nation Recreational Facilities Renovations: Up to $20,000: Up to $20,000 will enable the Ochiichagwe’Babigo’Ining Ojibway Nation to rehabilitate an outdoor skating rink and replace local swimming docks. The skating rink’s upgrades include adding exterior lights, repairing the warm-up shack, and restoring the rink boards. The swimming docks will be replaced entirely.Improvements to these recreational facilities will help engage youth in after-school and summer programs, and encourage local residents to participate in healthy activities.
CIP 150 Community Infrastructure Program: Funding Details
CIP 150 is funded by the Government of Canada and distributed on a national level by one of several economic development agencies, such as Ontario’s FedNor (northern Ontario) and FedDev Ontario (southern Ontario).
The program provides infrastructure funding access to municipal governments and aboriginal communities across the country. Applicants may receive up to 50% of project expenses to a defined maximum; for northern Ontario the maximum allowable grant size is $100,000.
Communities performing upgrades to public infrastructure should investigate and apply for CIP150.
CIP150 grants are no longer available for communities in southern Ontario. Northern Ontario applicants should consider applying soon to ensure they receive funding. All projects must be completed by March 31, 2018 at the latest.
Apply for CIP 150 Northern Ontario Infrastructure Grants
Northern Ontario communities may still apply for CIP 150 infrastructure grants.
If you’re considering whether the CIP 150 program is right for you, or to determine if your municipality is eligible for the grant, please contact Ryan.
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