Career Focus Hiring Grants for IT Grads Now Closed
NOTICE: This blog is out-dated. please check back for Career Focus Hiring Grants Updates regularly for the latest on news and releases.
As foreshadowed by one of our previous articles regarding the Final Call for ICTC Career Focus proposals, Ontario Government funding representatives have just confirmed the complete allocation of funding for small business hiring through the 2012 ICTC Career Focus Program. The program provided wage subsidies for the hiring new post-secondary graduates with IT related work experience.
Similar Ontario Business Grants for Hiring IT Grads
For those of you have not already submitted an application and wish to hire a post-secondary graduate for an ICT related position, please review the following list of Canadian Government Grants for small business hiring:
- CSCSC Career Focus: Similar to the ICTC stream of Career Focus, the Supply Chain management stream provides up to $12,750 or 50% of the wages for a 4-8 month internship position with a Canadian supply chain organization. Eligible candidates must possess some sort of post-secondary education; including a certificate, diploma, or degree.
- IRAP Youth Employment Program (YEP) : Businesses can receive up to $15K in Canadian Government funding support towards a full-time hire of a graduate student for a 12 month internship. Candidates can be applied to a variety of positions including those related to information and communication technologies.
- OCE First Jobs : The First Jobs talent program provides small businesses with up to $25K in business funding grants for the first year’s salary of a recent technical graduate. Positions within the company can include a range of activities including those related to IT implementation and process development.
- MITACS Enterprise: Funding support of up to $15K per hired graduate or 50% of the inter(s) salary for a 6-month internship. Graduates must have a degree in one of the science, technical, engineering or math (STEM) fields of study and can be applied to any position that relates to their area of study.
- Graduate Enterprise Internship/ iSTEM: Provides between $10K and $15K in government funding for small business looking to hire graduates trained in one of the areas of STEM. Candidates must be offered a 6-month contact and can be applied to a variety of projects including those related to the implementation IT software systems.
Begin Your Applications for Canadian Government Grants
Canadian SMEs that are interested in receiving additional information and advice regarding their applications for Canadian Government Grants for Small Business can begin by signing up for our 60 Minute Canadian Government Funding Workshop or by contacting a Small Business Funding Expert. To receive regular Ontario Government funding updates such as this, follow us on Twitter and Google+ or subscribe to our Weekly Canadian Government Funding E-Newsletter.
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