» » » » Canadian Government Funding Update: IDF Release of Funds

Canadian Government Funding Update: IDF Release of Funds

The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (OMRI) is receiving applications for the Innovation Demonstration Fund.   This government funding for research and development initiative focuses on emerging technology and prefers environmental, alternative energy, bio-products, hydrogen and other significant global technologies.  IDF has been created to help support Pilot demonstrations leading to the commercialization of processes and/or products in Ontario that are globally competitive, innovative, green technologies.  (See our overview of business grants Ontario IDF Funding).

How to Access this Government Funding for Business

Accessing small business grants Ontario and other funding arrangements through the Innovation Demonstration Fund requires following a rigorous application process.   This process, which we have detailed in a prior article, Innovation Demonstration Fund Eligibility, requires financial due diligence by a third party as well as a detailed business plan.

IDF Funding for Business Past Successes:

AS of January 2012 the Innovation Demonstration Fund has played a key role in helping several promising Ontario Canadian government grants for clean technology companies working to develop and commercialize exciting new processes and products, including:

  • A new process for purifying silicon to the degree necessary for use in solar panels ($1.5 million)
  • The “infrastructure pilot project for online drinking water monitoring” technology that provides real-time warning of waterborne contaminants in municipal drinking water ($2.89 million)
  • A high-performance natural fibre reinforced composite that offers environmental benefits while more than doubling the strength of the base synthetic material ($400,000)

More Information on The Innovation Demonstration Fund

Choose from one of the following options to learn more about the Innovation Demonstration Fund, or to get on your way to beginning your application.

Contact a Canadian government funding expert to get started

For more information on this program as well as government grants for small business get in touch with a Canadian government funding expert today.  We also offer you an opportunity to take part in a small business grants workshop to learn about all of the most exciting funding opportunities available to your business.  And don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn!