» » » » Canadian Government Funding for Hiring Seasonal Employees

Canadian Government Funding for Hiring Seasonal Employees

As the summer approaches, many businesses are currently in search of seasonal student labour to help manage their increases in market demand. The Canadian Government has offered several wage subsidies and tax incentives to encourage employers to hire students that would be planning to return to school in the fall.

Provincial Wage Subsidy – Ontario Summer Jobs Strategy

The Provincial Government has begun to offer funding for small business that would like to hire young and enthusiastic individuals for a seasonal position with their organization. Businesses can receive a $2/hr wage incentive towards a student’s wages between the months of April and September. Students must be between the ages of 15 – 30 and returning to school in the fall. Businesses can check the program’s availability by contacting their Regional Service Ontario Representative.

Federal Wage Subsidy – Canada Summer Jobs

Editor’s Note: Details of the Canada Summer Jobs program are subject to change at any time; details on this page were accurate as of the posting date. To learn about current program details, please contact Ryan or visit canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/funding/youth-summer-job.

Canada Summer Jobs provides incentives for Canadian employers to create positions within their organizations for students in search of seasonal employment opportunities. Businesses can receive up to 50% in wage subsidies towards the salary of one or multiple students. This program only provides funding for small business with less than 50 full time employees who are looking to hire a registered full-time student between the ages of 15-30. The annual deadline for applications is usually around February 28, however businesses can check the availability by contacting a Service Canada Representative.

Business Funding Grants for Marketing – Small Business Internship Program

The Small Business Internship Program (SBIP) offers a significant wage subsidy for the hiring of a post-secondary student for an 11-week internship related to e-business and online marketing. Businesses are able to hire students with a background knowledge of business, web design, and marketing; to implement an e-business and online marketing strategy. The program offers up to $10K or 75% of a student’s wages for an 11-week internship.  This program has already begun to release its funding; those who are interested should begin their applications as soon as possible.

Hiring Through Ontario Business Grants

Businesses that are interested in taking advantage of the Small Business Grants for Hiring Students can contact one of our Canadian Government Grant Specialists for additional application advice and support. For those who would be more interested in one the Government Small Business Grants for Hiring Graduates can sign up for one of our Free Canadian Government Funding Workshops or follow us on Twitter and join our circle Google+.