» » » » CAP Agriculture Funding: $6.1 for Canadian Pork Industry

CAP Agriculture Funding: $6.1 for Canadian Pork Industry

The Canadian Pork Council (CPC) has been a voice for Canadian hog producers for over 50 years, representing 7,000 farms. The council acts as a leader in achieving and maintaining a successful Canadian pork sector, being involved in many initiatives such as animal health, market development, and on-farm assurance programs. To help enhance and innovate the pork sector, the CPC’s Canadian Pork Excellence platform and other industry strengthening initiatives have received government funding.

$6,180,078 from multiple funding streams of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) has been awarded to several initiatives to help boost the Canadian pork industry.

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) is a five-year initiative to support the growth of Canada’s agriculture and agri-food industry. CAP funding for the Canadian pork industry will provide opportunities for leaders in the sector to improve production, increase innovation, and expand markets for Canadian pork nationally and internationally.

Canadian Agricultural Partnership: $6.1M to Strengthen Pork Industry

Canadian Pork Excellence is the CPC’s national platform covering three major elements of on-farm programs: PigSAFE, PigCARE, and PigTRACE. PigSAFE and PigCARE are on-farm food safety and animal care assurance programs that allow pork producers to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable pork production. PigTRACE is an improved emergency management program in the event of a food safety issue or foreign animal disease outbreak in the pork sector.

These three Canadian Pork Excellence programs, along with additional CPC initiatives, have received $6.1M from streams under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The breakdown of funding is as follows:

  • AgriAssurance awarded PigSAFE and PigCARE $3,500,000 and PigTRACEreceived $354,000. Funding will ensure producers have the tools to implement the programs on-farm and allow the progression of more efficient and effective ways for producers to submit and utilize data.
  • AgriMarketing awarded $1,232,348 for a join marketing initiative under the Canadian Pork Council and Canada Pork. This will allow for more opportunities for the pork sector to expand internationally.
  • AgriScience awarded $1,093,730 for a research project operating under the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement to help producers increase their production with efficient feeding strategies.

Agriculture funding from CAP will go towards building a more sustainable and innovative pork sector while increasing competitiveness and continued economic growth.

About the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP)

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) is a federal-provincial-territorial initiative that provides funding from all levels of government to support a growing, investment-driven agriculture and agri-food sector. There are many streams available for agricultural businesses to access funding. Those mentioned earlier in this article include:

AgriAssurance: AgriAssurance helps businesses implement third-party assurance certification projects that address international market requirements and help expand export opportunities. The AgriAssurance program provides up to 50% to a maximum $50,000 in non-repayable funding.

AgriMarketing: AgriMarketing supports international expansion projects undertaken by food and beverage businesses. The AgriMarketing program directly offsets up to 50% of eligible project expenses to a maximum $50,000 in export marketing grants.

AgriScience: AgriScience helps businesses perform research and development projects that benefit the agricultural and agri-food sector. AgriScience provides up to 50% for businesses and up to 70% for non-profits. Approved projects/clusters may be eligible for funding up to $10M per year.

The programs are open on continuous intake of applications until March 31, 2023, or until funding has been fully committed.

To receive a guided overview of funding for agriculture projects supported through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, please register for an upcoming Agriculture and Agri-Food webinar.