Agriculture Funding: Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) Renewed


Reading Time: 2 minutes

bigstock-Cereals-in-wooden-box-54003340Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced the re-launch of a legacy agricultural funding program called the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program, or “CAAP.” CAAP Canadian government grants are provided through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), who is now accepting applications on a continuous basis until the $50 million set aside for the 5 year program has been fully allocated.

The previous program ran from 2009 to 2014, while the current CAAP program will also run for five years; from 2014 to 2019. CAAP is intended to complement existing investments offered through Growing Forward 2 that includes a $3 billion investment in strategic initiatives that foster innovation, market development and competitiveness.

CAAP Funding Amount & Additional Program Details

Funding amounts afforded through CAAP Canadian government grants will be determined on a case-by-case basis but will generally not exceed $1 million. Applicants can apply more than once, however total funding received must not exceed $4 million over 5 years.

CAAP Canadian Business Grants for Agriculture: Program Objective

CAAP Canadian funding for agriculture and agri-food, and agri-based businesses focuses on seizing opportunities to develop new ideas, products and market opportunities, respond to emerging issues, and path find and/ or piloting of solutions to new and ongoing issues.

Business Grants for Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector: Company Eligibility

In order to qualify for funding through CAAP government grants Canada organizations must be one of the following:

  • Not-for-profit organizations and associations, including cooperatives
  • Marketing boards
  • Aboriginal groups

Learn More about CAAP Government Grants Canada

Get Started     Eligibility Criteria

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