Grant Funding for Agriculture: AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Agricultural conceptThe AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream focuses on the development of national assurances systems and standards that contribute to priorities such as food safety and security.  This Canadian government grants funding program is run by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC) and offers up to $1 million per project.

AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream Funding –Funding Details

  • Amount: Max contribution of $1,000,000 per project. Min of 25% cost sharing; In-kind max of 10%.
  • Timeline: From April 1, 2013 – September 2017. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2018.
  • Eligibility: With limitations: Administration costs, Salaries, Contracted Services, Travel costs and other project costs

AgriMarketing Canadian Government Grants –Project Eligibility

Current priorities: market relevance, livestock traceability and projects related to food for human consumption have been identified as priorities. Preference to project proposals with higher levels of contributions from industry.

Canadian Government Grants for AgriMarketing –Assurance Systems Stream Eligibility

In order to qualify for AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream Canadian government grants applicants must be capable of entering into a legally binding agreement. Eligible Applicants are:

  • Not-for-profit industry organizations operating on a national basis along the Canadian agriculture and agri-food value chain;
  • Not-for-profit industry organizations operating on a regional basis along the Canadian agriculture and agri-food value chain that are not represented at the national level and can demonstrate their ability to deliver a national project;
  • Other non-governmental, not-for-profit entities if they can clearly demonstrate how they will achieve the objective and results of the Assurance Systems stream; and
  • Academic institutions if they can clearly demonstrate how they will achieve the objective and results of the Assurance Systems stream.

Canadian Grants for Agriculture –Ineligible Applicants

The following are ineligible for this program:

  • Individuals;
  • For-profit organizations/businesses; and
  • Other levels of government.

AgriMarketing Canadian Government Grants –Project Eligibility

Current priorities: market relevance, livestock traceability and projects related to food for human consumption have been identified as priorities. Preference to project proposals with higher levels of contributions from industry.


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