Canada Media Fund (CMF): Application Intake Deadlines for 2017


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The Canada Media Fund (CMF) Experimental Stream Innovation Program provides repayable government funding to Canadian businesses developing, producing, and marketing interactive digital media content and software applications.

Through the Experimental Stream’s Innovation Program, software developers can receive up to 50-75% coverage of eligible project costs to a maximum of $300,000 – $1,000,000. These funds can help companies extend cash flow and develop a stronger final product, ultimately leading towards a streamlined commercialization process.

To receive funding from CMF Experimental, businesses must apply during one of the program’s application intake periods. For each of the program’s three streams, there are annual Spring and Fall call for proposals.

There is an upcoming deadline to apply for digital media Production and Promotion funding on May 9, 2017. Interested companies should begin preparing applications.

Canada Media Fund: Canadian Government Funding for Digital Media Projects

The Canada Media Fund Experimental Stream (Innovation Program) offers three unique funding streams businesses may apply for, including:

  1. Media Development: Up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum $300,000 for the planning of media products. Examples include storyboarding, market assessments, writing scripts, conducting feasibility studies, and creating prototypes.
  2. Media Production: Up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum $1,200,000 to produce media projects. Funding supports filming, animating, editing, and coding activities.
  3. Media Marketing and Promotion: Up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum $400,000 for media project promotion. Funding supports strategic marketing activities, such as the creation of national/international marketing campaigns and the testing of advertising materials.

Please Note: To be considered eligible for the Marketing and Promotion stream, applicants must have successfully received CMF Production contributions in the past.

Eligible Businesses

CMF’s Innovation Program provides software development funding to:

  • For-profit businesses based in Canada; or
  • Public or private Canadian broadcasters that have been licensed by the CRTC.

Though it is not an eligibility requirement, possessing diverse work teams that are comprised of a minimum of 40% female representation will strengthen a CMF application.

Project Eligibility

The CMF Experimental Stream’s Innovation Program will provide digital media funding to support projects:

  • Including the development or promotion of digital media content and/or application software that is innovative, interactive, and is connected to the Canadian cultural sector;
  • Produced within Canada with at least 50-75% of eligible project costs paid in Canadian dollars; and
  • Remaining under Canadian ownership throughout the production process.

Successful Canada Media Fund Experimental Projects

Over the years, the Canada Media Fund has supported a range of innovative digital media projects. Some of the program’s recent success stories include:

Apply for CMF Experimental Stream Innovation Program

To access the Canada Media Fund Experimental Stream, businesses must submit a comprehensive application package (25 -35 pages) in addition to project budgets, timelines, and any other supporting documents.

Application Intake Deadlines for 2017

Media Development:

  • Fall Intake: September 26, 2017

Media Production:

  • Spring Intake: May 9, 2017
  • Fall Intake: October 24, 2017

Media Marketing and Promotion:

  • Spring Intake: May 9, 2017
  • Fall Intake: October 24, 2017

Contact Ryan to confirm your business’ eligibility for the CMF Experimental Stream Innovation Program. In addition, our team can provide comprehensive application support to accelerate the funding process.

Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team

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