» » » » Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program: Apply by June 24, 2016

Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program: Apply by June 24, 2016

As Canada approaches its 150th year since confederation, the federal government has renewed its support for renovating, enhancing, and growing existing infrastructure within the country.

The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP 150) provides Canadian government grant funding for municipalities, regional governments, not-for-profit organizations, and Aboriginal band councils to complete infrastructure projects such as building community centres, cultural centres, or parks and tourism facilities. Eligible applicants may receive up to 50% of project expenses to a maximum $1 million in Canadian government grants.

The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program is currently accepting applications for its second call for proposals. Last year during the initial application period, over 1,100 applicants applied for the fund. This year the federal government has doubled its commitment to the program and will provide $75 million across the country, $44.4 million of which will be allocated to southern Ontario communities.

Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program: Eligible Applicants

Those eligible to apply for the Canada 150 infrastructure fund include:

  • Municipalities and regional governments;
  • Incorporated non-profit organizations;
  • Provincial entities that provide municipal-type infrastructure services to communities;
  • Public-sector bodies wholly owned by a province, municipality, or regional government (providing infrastructure services to communities); and
  • Band councils or Aboriginal government authority (established by Self-Government Agreement or Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement).

Eligible Projects for the Canada 150 Infrastructure Investment Fund

A specific range of projects can be included for consideration through the Canada 150 Infrastructure Investment Program, including:

  • Community centres (including Legion Halls);
  • Cultural centres and museums;
  • Parks, recreational trails, including fitness trails, bike paths and other types of trails;
  • Libraries;
  • Recreational facilities including local arenas, gymnasia, swimming pools, sports fields, tennis, basketball, volleyball or other sport-specific courts, golf courses, ski hills or other types of recreational facilities;
  • Tourism facilities;
  • Docks;
  • Cenotaphs; and
  • Other existing community infrastructure assets for public benefit that have a local community impact, such as local roads, connectivity and broadband, drinking water treatment and distribution systems, local airports, solid waste management and wastewater infrastructure.

Apply for the 2016 Round of Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program

Eligible applicants must act quickly to ensure that their Canada 150 applications are submitted in good order. All applications to the program must be submitted no later than June 24, 2016 at 5:00pm.

To check your eligibility for the program, or to identify the value of funding your project may be able to receive through the Canada 150 program, please contact a Canadian Proactive Funding Planner to learn more.

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