Qualify for Ontario Government Funding – Advancing Water Technologies


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Advancing Water Technologies (AWT) is a collaborative research and development program that supports post-secondary institution partnerships. Through the program, industry partners may receive up to 50% of project expenses to a maximum $100,000 to complete an R&D project with a college or university member of the Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC).

By participating in Advancing Water Technologies, it is expected that businesses will be able to (1) commercialize an innovative technology by conducting advanced research, and (2) further develop the potential of Ontario’s water technology cluster.

The Advancing Water Technologies program’s final intake deadline was September 1, 2017. Please browse available research and development programs to find project grants and loans.

Advancing Water Technologies Ontario Government Grants Eligibility

To become eligible for the Advancing Water Technologies program, industry partners must:

  • Be incorporated (either in Ontario or federally) for at least two years;
  • Operate in southern Ontario
  • Show economic benefits for Ontario, such as an increase in jobs, as result of the project
  • Maintain at least two full-time employees; and
  • Be in good financial standing.

In addition, businesses must partner with a leading research institution in Ontario. Post-secondary institutions must be a member of the Southern Ontario Water Consortium. These institutions include:

  • Wilfred Laurier University;
  • University of Western Ontario;
  • University of Waterloo;
  • University of Toronto;
  • University of Ontario Institute of Technology;
  • University of Guelph;
  • Ryerson University;
  • McMaster University; and
  • Fleming College.

Projects Eligible to Receive Advancing Water Technologies (AWT) Research Grants

AWT’s focusses on projects that develop disruptive and globally competitive technologies, products, or services within the water sector. Innovative research and development projects will be considered, as long as a collaborative approach is used for the following project activities:

  • Practical research leading to applicable industry benefits;
  • Prototyping;
  • Innovative project development and testing;
  • Demonstrations of the technology; and
  • Certification or verification if part of a larger project.

Ineligibility Note: Industry partners must NOT have a fully developed project when they apply for AWT. Participants should expect to work with a post-secondary research institution for research and/or development of the technology.

Eligibility of Expenses for AWT Ontario Government Funding

The Advancing Water Technologies program will support up to 50% of eligible project expenses to a maximum $100,000 in Ontario government grants. Eligible expenses that can be claimed include:

  • Labour: Salaries and up to 20% of benefit costs incurred during the project.
  • Consulting: Professional services not provided by the partner’s research institution.
  • Non-Capital Expenses: Safety equipment, software, monitors, measuring tools, sensors, utility costs, travel and associated costs, etc.
  • Capital Expenses: Equipment that is necessary for the project. (Capital expenses should represent 10% or less of the total project cost.

Expenses Not Eligible to Receive AWT Research Grants

In addition to ‘normal’ recurring business expenses, applicants will not be provided funding for the following costs, including (but not limited to):

  • Facility rental fees;
  • Registration for conferences, trade shows, or workshops;
  • Hospitality fees (including hosting meetings and events);
  • Marketing;
  • Overhead;
  • Business development; and
  • Opportunity costs.

The Advancing Water Technologies program’s final intake deadline was September 1, 2017. Please browse available research and development programs to find project grants and loans.

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