Therapure’s $20 Million AMF Canadian Government Funding Success


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Therapure Biopharma is a leading manufacturer of biologics for medical use with expertise in working with plasma-derived proteins. The Mississauga, Ontario-based business has been able to use this industry-leading knowledge to create a proprietary system known as PlasmaCap Expanded Bed Absorption (EBA). PlasmaCap EBA yields an increased amount of protein from the same quantity of plasma, separates the proteins faster, and operates at lower cost than widely-used technologies which were discovered in the 1940’s.

Therapure Biopharma was recently announced as recipients of FedDev Ontario’s $20 million Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF) for further developments of the PlasmaCap EBA project. Assisting Therapure to obtain this maximum-value funding contribution, Ryan is proud to see one of our clients providing technologically-advanced research and development. In light of the recent announcement, Therapure has commented on their relationship with Ryan as partners in obtaining government funding.

How will Therapure use this small business funding?

“This is a significant source of capital for our internal R&D project at Therapure and I would like to acknowledge and thank you for the help and ongoing support that contributed to this.”
– Mark Krause, Head of Plasma Proteins at Therapure Biopharma Inc.

Therapure’s technological research and development activities, enabled by $20 million in repayable government funding provided through AMF, will allow them to increase the capabilities of PlasmaCap EBA and commercialize their technology around the world.

How was the experience of working with Ryan?

“Ryan has been professional and responsive throughout all our interactions and your expertise in Canadian government politics, bureaucracy, funding opportunities, and application processes was prominently evident as we worked together to write and submit a successful application.”
– Mark Krause, Head of Plasma Proteins at Therapure Biopharma Inc.

Ryan’ team of Government Funding Experts are highly knowledgeable in the industries we serve. We are diligent in communication, yet respectful of the limited time that many business leaders have. Working with source documentation, our team was able to craft a customized, winning application which helped Therapure receive up to $20 million.

How did you find the funding application process?

“The process of writing the application was also made easier with your ability to quickly understand our industry, business, and project and importantly your ability to position our story in a manner that caters towards the funding program’s mandates.”
– Mark Krause, Head of Plasma Proteins at Therapure Biopharma Inc.

Ryan strives to understand your business model, industry, and project, to deliver an accurate and detailed funding application based on a funding program’s key criteria. Our skilled team of writers have worked with hundreds of businesses in all industries, creating an unmatched knowledge base. This, coupled with our expertise in Canadian government grants and loans, ensures that we’re able to position your project towards funding program objectives.

Learn More about AMF Repayable Government Funding

The Advanced Manufacturing Fund (AMF) is repayable government funding provided through the Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). AMF seeks to assist manufacturers in southern Ontario by supporting the research and development of new, innovative technologies. This program supports 50% of eligible expenses between $10-20 million for labour (including contractors) and technology adoption directly related to the project’s goals. Manufacturers with a total project spend less than $20 million are not eligible to apply for this fund.

Start your Government Grants and Loans Discovery

Canadian small businesses have several opportunities to leverage government funding for research and development projects. Not sure which Canadian government grant or loan is best for your organization? Contact Ryan today and we will assist you to identify which government funding program you’re best suited for. We also host free online workshops where we discuss the best government funding options for certain industries, strategies, and project types. For updates on Canadian government funding news, register for our weekly e-newsletter or follow us on Twitter to stay updated with daily business and government funding news.

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