Tech-Access Canada (TAC) – A Non-Profit Technology Access Centre for Business R&D
Canada is known on the global landscape as an innovation hub for technologies that drive and improve product and service development. As a result, organizations and talent visit Canada from all over the world to capitalize on the advanced technology opportunities available. One of these prominent technology resources is an organization called Tech-Access Canada. TAC is a national, not-for-profit, organization that funds and organizes 60 Technology Access Centres (TACs).
“A Technology Access Centre (TAC) is a state-of-the-art applied research and innovation centre, affiliated with a Canadian college or cégep, that provides companies with access to cutting-edge technology and equipment, as well as a multi-disciplinary team with the expertise to turn brilliant ideas into market-ready products.”
Tech Access Canada
The purpose of these TACs is to create an inclusive environment in Canada’s economy for innovators and entrepreneurs to access support, resources, and facilities that can assist with the research and development process. The primary focus falls on ensuring small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have the resources they need to develop new prototypes, grow their systems and processes, and continue to innovate on behalf of the Canadian economy.
Assistance is also often provided in training, developmental, and financing opportunities to liaison businesses through common growing pains associated with research and development.
Companies that work with the TACs benefit from flexible intellectual property (IP) policies, and have the right to commercialize the research results and IP. TACs also help de-risk the financial investment required when taking on applied research projects by helping businesses to access and leverage government funding programs.
If your business is interested in learning more about whether or not a TAC is right for you, visit the TAC directory to find out which facilities are closest to you and get in touch with the organization’s representatives.
Startup Resources for Canadian Businesses
Although Canada’s TACs offer substantial support and opportunities for Canadian SMEs looking to overcome their research and development challenges, there are many more routes available to choose from. Ryan has collected a variety of resources that are available to start-ups and SMES looking to grow. Visit our Canadian Startup Resources page for a list of useful tools from funding checklists to loan options.
Get Started with Government Funding
Unfortunately, many Canadian government funding programs have minimum requirements for eligibility that can prevent start-ups and smaller businesses from successfully applying. For example, it is often required to have a minimum of 15 employees that are full-time equivalent, three years of financials, and a net positive revenue. However, this does not mean that start-ups and SMEs should give up.
Learning how to position a business for future government funding success is a critical skill for organizations that are dedicated to growing and innovating over time. To get started with the government funding journey, we recommend businesses download our free resources that outline key lessons, such as How to Build a Government Funding Plan, Navigating the Government Funding Process, and theTypes of Government Funding.
Also, feel free to register for one of our comprehensive government funding webinars that cover a variety of topics ranging in business activity and industry.
Ryan truly believes in connecting Canadian businesses with government funding news, resources, and opportunities to foster innovation, productivity improvements, and strong economic growth throughout Canada. Find out the differences between IRAP grant funding and SR&ED tax credit funding for R&D projects by downloading our free IRAP Vs. SR&ED slide deck.

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