Small Business Grants Event Update: Free Workshop in Brantford, ON


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Small and medium-sized businesses in Brantford, Ontario are invited to learn more about small business grants and other Canadian government funding options available to Ontario businesses.   The speaker for this event will be Bernadeen Mcleod, the Owner and President of Ryan Ltd., who will give an overview of the best programs and take the mystery out of the selection and application process.

Where:Canadian government funding workshop Brantford

Brantford Visitor & Tourism Centre
399 Wayne Gretzky Parkway, Brantford, Ontario N3R 8B4


Tuesday, April 16, 9:00 – 11:30

How to register for this Canadian government funding event:

Space is limited.  Please follow this link in order to reserve your seat for this event:

Register for Canadian government funding workshop.

For Additional Information:
Please contact Bob Ham, Business Development Officer – Economic Development Department, City of Brantford. 

Tourism: 519.751.9900
Toll Free: 1.800.265.6299

Interested in Learning More about Small Business Grants Available in Ontario?

In addition to our Canadian Government Funding Workshops held regularly across Southern Ontario, we provide a number of ways to help you!  You can start by following us on Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn; and by signing up for our Weekly Government Funding for Business E-Newsletter.   Alternatively, you can contact a Canadian Government Funding Expert.


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