Small Business Financing. Show me the Money!


Reading Time: 2 minutes

A common theme in coaching small business, or online business, are the many questions revolving around, “What additional financing options are available to support growth in these economic conditions?” That is our goal – to share possibilities for improving your success. It’s our belief that tax-paying businesses have a right to access government funding. This desire is on the heels of Steven Harper recently reporting that $18 billion dollars would be spent by the government to seek economic improvements across Canada.

There are two independent publication companies that compile business funding resources based on government assistance programs and grants. Based on our commitment to grow small business and our expertise in this area, we want to share our findings with you and how we can support SME’s.

Two ideal government funding alternatives in particular can accelerate your growth. If you are interested in meeting to discuss these options in more detail, let’s get together in the Waterloo Region area or contact me.

10 Tips for Government Funding and Assistance Programs:

  1. Monies are available for specific industries
  2. Apply to more than one fund mechanism
  3. Programs for everyone – some size restrictions of number of employees
  4. Every grant and loan has a specific application process
  5. Timeline expectations – outlined in government publications
  6. Must use the funds for what you said you will use them for
  7. Funding programs are still available to new and small business owners
  8. Grants – There are currently 39 Federal and 57 Provincial programs available, offering between $1,500 – $500,000 worth of funding across Canada
  9. Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEA)
  10. Get your Business Plan ready

Through our business consulting program, we will direct you to websites, databases, tools and business planning support to ensure that knowledge is transferred and application gained. Contact us today to get started. Also, be sure to stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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