Free Workshop for Established SME’s with Richter LLP in Toronto, May 7th, 2014
Ryan has helped thousands of small to mid-sized businesses across Canada select and access Canadian business grants and loans. On May 7th, Ryan’ President and Founder, Bernadeen McLeod, will visit Richter LLP in Toronto to share insight into government funding with owners and leaders of established small to mid-sized firms that manufacture and/or perform R&D in Canada.
Spring into Ontario Small Business Grants and Loans Programs
The Spring is known as a time for new beginnings, and it’s also a better time than ever to finally get into government funding. In April and May several popular programs from the past are expected to be re-launched, and new lucrative programs are also set to release funds.
Accessing Government Funding for Manufacturers –Event Details
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 from 8:15am to 10:30am
Venue: Richter LLP, 2345 Yonge St., Suite 410, Toronto, ON M4P 2E5
Breakfast – 8:15am
- Presentation – 8:30am to 9:30am
- Case studies and Q&A session – 9:30am to 10:30am
To reserve your seat, please contact Moon Panem at:
- Phone: 416.488.2345 x 2229 or at
- Email:
Note: This presentation is designed for financially stable manufacturing companies with at least 3 years of financial history as an incorporated business. Eligible firms will also have a minimum of 15 employees and at least $1 million in revenue.
Find Ontario Business Grants and Loans to Help Your Business Grow
Whether you have set your sights on hiring and or training new employees, acquiring new capital, expanding across borders, or breaking new ground with an important R&D project Ryan has the inside track on the funding programs that will help you reach your strategic goals sooner, with less risk.
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Stay informed by signing up for Ryan’ Canadian government funding e-newsletter. We also blog about a Canadian government grant or business loan program every day of the week.
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