MITACS Event: New Years Networking in Hamilton


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A week prior to our Free 60 Minute Government Funding Workshop in Hamilton is the MITACS Step: Effective Networking Event at McMaster University. Through this event, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows will be provided insight in how to stabilize and grow business relationships through effective networking. The event will be split up into two parts. The first portion will focus on the key reasons why and methods of how to network effectively. Then, attendees will have the opportunity to put this strategy into practice by networking with other participants.

When: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 @ 8:30am – 12:00pm

Where: McMaster University, Skylight Room, 2nd FL of Commons Building, 1280 Main Street, West, Hamilton

To register for this event, please visit the MITACS Online Registration Page. Be sure to keep a look out for possible research & development partners and new hiring opportunities, as there are many Canadian government funding programs that support these activities.

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