» » » » MDA LaunchPad: Technology Development Collaboration Opportunity

MDA LaunchPad: Technology Development Collaboration Opportunity

MDA LaunchPad is an exciting new research and development program for Canadian technology developers. It enables small and medium-sized businesses to partner with MDA, a Maxar Technologies company, to work collaboratively on projects that build and grow Canada’s space and defence industry. MDA LaunchPad seeks a wide range of research and development partnerships that lead to innovation and commercialization opportunities.

SMEs can use MDA LaunchPad to collaboratively develop world-class technology, establish products and business opportunities, and enter global markets.

If your business is interested in exploring collaborative research and development projects with MDA, contact the company directly or speak to a representative at one of their upcoming public events. All proposals will be considered, but only those with the most potential for innovation and commercialization will be chosen. Companies seeking partnership with MDA may also be ideally positioned to leverage research grants and other types of Canadian government funding programs.

About the MDA and the LaunchPad Program

MDA is one of Canada’s leading space and defence companies. As an internationally recognized leader in space robotics and sensors, satellite technologies, and surveillance systems, MDA’s extensive space expertise translates to many defence and commercial applications. MDA is also a top supplier of actionable mission-critical information and insights.

MDA’s LaunchPad program seeks to build on MDA’s expertise while also supporting innovative small and medium-sized businesses across the country. Through collaborative research and development projects, MDA can partner with your business to develop cutting-edge technologies that have applications in space, defence, and a wide range of other technology-driven industries.

“MDA LaunchPad is the one stop starting point for collaboration with MDA. We look forward to working with you towards joint success and growth!”
– Mike Greenley, Group President of MDA

Participants will work with MDA to collaboratively develop solutions to solve real-world challenges where cutting-edge technologies are needed. Projects are commercialization-oriented and should lead to new opportunities for all participants following the development of new technology. Not sure what this looks like? Consider some of the success stories below.

LaunchPad Success Stories

MDA has collaborated with many technology developers to successfully produce innovative solutions. This includes:

  • Synaptive – BrightMatter: MDA and Synaptive partnered to develop the Modus V surgical robot using the control software derived from Canadarm2 technology. Modus V’s automation positions its high-powered optical payload via robotic arm for a precise view of the surgical field, enabling surgeons to focus on the procedure.
  • University of Calgary – NeuroArm: MDA and University of Calgary partnered to develop the world’s first MRI-compatible surgical robot. Designed to be controlled by a surgeon from a computer workstation, neuroArm operates in conjunction with real-time imaging, providing surgeons unprecedented detail and control, enabling them to manipulate tools at a microscopic scale.
  • Stanford University – Advanced Space-Based InSAR Risk Analysis: MDA and Stanford University partnered to further advance InSAR techniques to assess risks for bridges, tunnels, and other transportation infrastructure. The study resulted in several tools that help government departments and other infrastructure owners to detect millimetre changes over time.

Get Started with MDA LaunchPad

Want to propose an innovative research and development project to work on collaboratively with MDA? Companies can kick off the process by contacting the MDA LaunchPad program directly:

Daniel Schulten
613-599-7603 extension 511

Canadian Research and Development Funding Programs

LaunchPad projects may be eligible for government funding programs, although most research grants tend to focus on single companies completing research independently or with a post-secondary institution. If your business conducts innovative technology development projects with plans to commercialize the results, there may be considerable potential to offset a portion of project costs.

Two of the most popular research and development programs available to Canadian businesses include the Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) and the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit.

To learn more about how these two research funding programs compare, please download our free IRAP vs. SR&ED slide deck.