The Innovation Factory is holding their annual open house and innovation celebration for the Hamilton Business Community. Recognition will be given to some of the year’s most successful innovators along with their Research and Development Funding partners. Presentations may also include informational seminars on the new projects and organizations that will be receiving Ontario Government funding for Research and Development within the region. Businesses will also have a chance to discuss and network with the University of McMaster’s professors and Innovation Park Members regarding Grant Funding for Small Business Collaboration Research and Canadian Government Funding Programs for Hiring.
When: March 29, 2012 – 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Where: 157 Longwood Rd. South – Hamilton, Ontario
RVSP is required before March 23rd. For more information and registration details, visit the Innovation Factory Website. To learn more about the Ontario Government Funding Mechanisms, contact one of our Government Funding Experts and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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