October 8-10: EMC Advantage Through Excellence Conference 2019


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Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping manufacturers grow and become more competitive, at home and around the world. EMC is responsible for contributing significant knowledge, expertise, and resources towards the success of over 13,000 consortium and online member manufacturers who employ hundreds of thousands of Canadians in more than 60 consortium regions.

From October 8-10, 2019 EMC will be hosting the Advantage Through Excellence Conference at Universal EventSpace in Vaughan, ON.

EMC will bring together manufacturers from across Canada for this three-day event, where they’ll have the opportunity to listen to 30+ speakers address five streams of topics: Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation, Export Development and Growth, Operational Excellence, Future State of Manufacturing, and Plant and Best Practice Tours.

Presentation by Ryan’ President & Founder

On Thursday, October 10 at 1:45pm, Ryan’ President and Founder, Bernadeen McLeod, will be speaking at the Advantage Though Excellence Conference. During the Export Development and Growth stream, she will present on the topic of Leadership & Strategic Growth Grants, and how Canadian manufacturers can access government funding to support their future growth goals.

Leadership & Strategic Growth Grants Presentation Description

A highly productive and innovative workforce starts with employee engagement. When employees are dedicated to their job, operations become more efficient, turnover rates decline, and workers across your organization will better identify and communicate their ideas for positive change. To lead a great manufacturing team, management must understand ways to develop and harness the power of engaged employees.

Government funding programs can play an important role in unlocking your organization’s growth potential. There are several government grants available to reduce the cost of employee training programs, with leadership training being one of the most common types of training funded.  

During her keynote presentation, Ryan’s President and Founder, Bernadeen McLeod, will help participants discover how leadership training enables employees. She will also provide a fresh perspective on the government funding landscape to identify how other organizations can tap into government funding programs multiple times per year to offset the costs of employee training programs.

Session participants will leave Bernadeen’s keynote presentation with an understanding of how their workforce development strategy can be positively influenced by government funding programs. Bernadeen will share her experience developing hundreds of training grant proposals and provide insight on how manufacturers can improve their organizational trajectory by developing highly engaged, skilled workers.

Advantage Through Excellence Conference – Register Today

Several of Ryan’ government funding experts will be attending the Conference to gain a better understanding of the challenges and successes that Canadian manufacturers are facing today, and how the industry is moving forward. They will also be happy to offer their expertise on government funding programs that can assist manufacturers with hiring and training, export development, technology adoption, and research and innovation.

Sign up today for the EMC Advantage Through Excellence Conference; only a few weeks left!

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