CME Smart Releases Excess Funds – Apply By June 27th


Reading Time: 1 minute

CME Smart, the popular government grant geared towards increasing operational efficiency, has released a small amount of rollover funding to support a batch of new projects due to project cancellations from the last round of funding.


Beyond the regular eligibility factors, applicants of this round of funding must have not received CME Smart funding in the past. The project must not have incurred costs before June 1st and applicants must finish their spending by the end of October 2011. The deadline for submitting your application is June 27th, so hurry.

More Funding Soon

This is a relatively small pool of funds that is expected to support between 25-30 projects. A more substantial funding top-up is expected later this summer. Please subscribe to our blog and follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to stay updated on this, and other Canadian government funding mechanisms for businesses.

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