Ontario Business Grants for Capital Equipment and Outside Consulting
Canadian business grants for productivity enhancements and outside consulting are becoming increasingly popular with Ontario SMEs. These types of small business funding grants are especially useful for those in need of capital equipment or market expansion funding. There are several opportunities to receive Grant Funding for Small Business Expansion; however, these Canadian business grants are becoming increasingly time sensitive as the Canadian Federal Government prepares their Upcoming Release of Ontario Business Grants.
CME SMART Prosperity Now
The CME SMART Prosperity Now funds activities that support your global expansion efforts. The program includes a wide array of funded activities including international marketing, environmental efficiencies, capital equipment expenditures, foreign market research, and outside business consulting. Project must be completed within 12 months following the initial start date. The CME Prosperity Now Program ends March 31, 2013; however, applications should be submitted as soon as possible.
Amount: Non-repayable business funding grant up to $75K or 33.33% of eligible expenses.
Eligibility: Participants include Southern Ontario manufacturers with an exporting focus.
IRAP Accelerated Review Process (ARP)
Ontario Government funding grant for technical research and productivity improvements to solve an innovation challenge. IRAP ARP supports software implementation, productivity improvements, outside consulting, production design, and marketing projects. Interested parties should contact their local IRAP Representative for additional details.
Amount: Up to $50K in non-repayable Ontario business grants including 100% of direct labour and 75% of sub-contractor costs (installation and consulting fees). Direct labour must be at least 30% of the overall project budget.
Eligibility: Businesses must have at least 2 years of incorporation and 1 person payroll.
IRAP Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program (DTAPP)
One of the newer grants for small business in Ontario, created to assist companies in the customization or implementation of new technologies or software programs for productivity improvements. Businesses will have access to post-secondary expertise in the digital technology adoption field to improve the implementation process. The eligible activities of IRAP DTAPP include analysis, implementation, and customization of new software and/or the direct labor and consulting components relating to the project. This Canadian government funding program is about to start their 2012 round of spending on April 1.
Amount: Non-repayable business funding grants up to $100K or 80% of direct labour and 50% of sub-contractor fees related to the project.
Eligibility: Applicants must be incorporated and have less than 500 employees.
Next Steps for Ontario Government Funding
Businesses that are interested in any of the Canadian Government Small Business Grants mentioned in today’s article can receive additional information and application resources by contacting Ryan. To stay up-to-date with grants for small business in Ontario, sign up for our Canadian Government Funding E-Newsletter or follow us on Twitter and Google+.
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