Small Business Grants for Hiring through YMCA HD-YIP


Reading Time: 3 minutes

business people isolatedThe High Demand Youth Internship Program (HD-YIP) small business grants for hiring sponsored by Human Resources and Skill Development Canada (HRSDC) and operated by YMCA offers young professionals an opportunity to build career-related skills and confidence while under the guidance of a mentor.

HD-YIP Canadian Small Business Grants for Hiring Objective

The government small business grants aim to connect successful Canadian small and medium-sized business leaders with talented young professionals looking for experience in a high demand field. Internships through this program have given employers and employees the opportunity to share their experience and perspectives with our leaders of tomorrow.

Small Business Grants for Hiring Success Stories

  • A Social Media Web Marketing Intern working at a small communications firm in Montreal had the opportunity to gain “real, practical and creative work experience” while assisting her employer with a variety of production tasks that required specialized training.
  • An IT Firm in Toronto found the YMCA Digital Skills Youth Internship Program invaluable for them to bring on and train new employees.  “4 months was just enough time to bring on a new recruit and get them up to speed,” said the firm’s owner.

Small Business Grants Canada Eligibility

In order to qualify for HD-YIP Canadian small business grants for human resources through this program a business must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a for-profit firm operating within Canada (since at least 2 years prior)
  • Have a minimum of 5 full-time employees
  • Have a minimum of $2 million in general liability insurance

Meanwhile, internship candidates will meet the following criteria in order to be accepted for this small business grants Canada program:

  • Be 15 to 30 years of age at the time of the placement
  • A post-secondary graduate of college or university
  • Be willing to commit to a full time internship
  • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident able to work legally in Canada
  • Not in receipt of employment insurance (EI) during the time of hire

Government Grants for Small Business Additional Information and Next Steps

For more information regarding government grants for small business hiring program timelines, eligibility, and how to get started please choose from one of the following options:

Get-StartedEligibility-CriteriaBusiness Funding Grants Update

Canada Small Business Grants and Loans Selection and Support Services

If your firm has a minimum of 15 employees and has been incorporated for at least 2 years while undertaking some form of manufacturing or research and development in Canada, please contact a Canadian government funding expert for more information on a number of Canadian government funding opportunities available to your business.   Owners and Senior Managers of Ontario small and medium-sized firms are also invited to attend a free Canadian government funding workshop.   Sign up today for our Canadian small business grants and loans weekly e-newsletter, and follow us on LinkedIn!

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