Business Grants Ontario: Aerospace R&TD Challenge Fund Eligibility & Application
The Ontario Aerospace R&TD Challenge Fund is a $2.5 million Ontario small business grants program that is run by the Ontario Aerospace Council (OAC), Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (OMRI).
R&TD Challenge Fund Government Grants Ontario –Available Funding
OCE and NSERC will provide small business grants support to five (5) qualified projects for the total of $2.5 million. Applicants may have up to 75% of their project funded through this program. A typical project would resemble the following example:
Partner | Cash Contribution Per Project | In-kind |
OCE | $100,000 * | |
NSERC | $200,000 * | |
Industry | $100,000 | $100,000 |
Total | $400,000 | $100,000 |
* Maximum
OCE and NSERC will consider small projects but it is expected that any project would have an industry cash contribution and in-kind contribution of a minimum of $80,000.
Aerospace R&TD Challenge Fund Ontario Business Grants -Area of Focus
The OAC and OCE along with Ontario aerospace firms and research organizations have identified areas of strategic importance to become the focus areas of Ontario Aerospace R&TD Challenge Fund projects to receive funding through small business government grants Ontario, these include the following:
- Advanced and Engineered Materials
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Autonomous Systems
- Electric Power
- Ergonomics
- Simulation Methods and Tools
Small Business Grants Ontario –R&TD Challenge Fund Qualified Projects
In order to qualify for government small business grants through the Ontario Aerospace R&TD Challenge Fund project must meet the following criteria:
- Are in the aerospace sector with a demonstrated immediate upstream or downstream benefit to the aerospace industry, leading to novel, newly adapted or adopted processes, products, or services
- Address one or more of the jointly identified strategic technology focus areas
- Demonstrate close industry-academic collaboration
- Have broad industry applicability and impact (economically and/or environmentally)
- Are highly likely to be commercialized/implemented
- Demonstrate a good return on investment for the OAC, OCE and NSERC
- Qualify for support under the NSERC CRD program
Aerospace R&TD Challenge Fund Ontario Government Grants –Application Process
OAC, OCE, and NSERC launched a Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) in mid-September 2013 for projects that address opportunities and challenges identified in within the focus areas. An EOI Review Committee comprised of representatives from OCE, OAC, NSERC and Industry will and invite eligible applicants to submit full application to NSERC’s Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Program.
OAC and OCE will work in partnership with NSERC to launch a Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) in mid-September 2013 for industry-academic R & TD projects that address opportunities/challenges in the identified focus areas, jointly supported by OCE and NSERC and leveraging industry cash and in-kind contributions.
Aerospace R&TD Challenge Fund Ontario Small Business Grants -Approximate timelines
Approximate timelines for this initial program subject to adjustment by funding partners are:
Early September 2013: Strategic Technology Roadmap Workshop and Partnering Forum
Mid-September 2013: Call for Expressions of Interest (with intended contract terms)
November 5th, 2013: Deadline for Submission of EOI’s
Fall 2013: Projects selected for full Proposals
March 2014: Approved projects announced, contracts signed
April 2014: Project activities commence
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