Discover Top Funding Grants & Loans of 2015: February 20, 2015 Webinar


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Although Ryan offers specialized webinars and workshops for specific strategic activities, including training, capital equipment adoption, and agriculture-related initiatives, we also strive to provide funding info in more comprehensive sections, such as the upcoming February 16, 2015 webinar. Throughout this 60-minute session, participants will gain a greater understanding of the business funding landscape, from business expansion and capital grants to HR, training, and R&D funding opportunities.

Is your business ideal for funding grants and loans?

Individuals interested in finding funding for their business should take note of the eligibility trends across programs. Most small business funding grants and loans require that applicants fall inline with the following eligibility factors:

  • Incorporated in Canada for at least 2 years;
  • Financially stable;
  • Not a retailer/distributor;
  • Not a start-up; and
  • Company must manufacture or conduct R&D in Canada.

If you are a startup or a service-based business, Ryan does offer webinars and funding support services tailored to your needs; startups should download a Free Funding Checklist to ensure they are positioning themselves for funding in the near future.

Register for a Free Business Funding Webinar

To learn how to receive up to 66% grant funding for training, $100K for capital equipment adoption, and +50% coverage for R&D activities, please click Register below:

Date/Time: Friday, February 20, 2015 from 11:30am-12:30pm (EST)
Location: Online Webinar via GoToWebinar

Other Resources for Small Business Funding Grants & Loans

Ryan is active on all major social media platforms. In addition to our free Weekly Funding E-Newsletter, businesses can follow us here:

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