Will 2016 be the Year of Big Data Analytics?


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Massive amounts of high-quality data enables businesses to make calculated decisions that fuel competitiveness, profitability, and success. In a landscape where owners and executives need to be agile and definitive with their decision making, being able to gather and process big data provides a critical advantage over competitors. Big data analytics, the ability to process an abundance of information to uncover correlations, patterns, and other useful information, will likely continue its exponential growth and become a key business trend in 2016.

Related Blog: Communitech Open Data Exchange (ODX): Canada’s Commitment to Big Data Analytics – A partnership between the University of Waterloo, Communitech, the Canadian Digital Media Network, and other organizations supports big data analytics to develop Canadian innovation. The Exchange will support the development and commercialization of new data-driven technologies and assist industries to become more competitive internationally.

How to Integrate Big Data Analytics into Your Canadian Business

Being able to collect and decipher big data is critical to unlocking its potential, yet many businesses have not yet adopted big data and are unaware of how to use it in their management practices. The solution to this problem can be addressed similarly to other human resources challenges. The integration of big data analytics for your business (if you have not begun using it already) can be assisted by:

  1. Recruiting candidates that show an aptitude for big data; or
  2. Train employees how to collect and interpret big data through a qualified education program.

Since big data is a relatively new concept, it can be challenging to recruit talent specifically trained to develop databases and draw insights. Businesses should be aware of their options to find qualified professionals to manage their big data, including the Goodman School of Business MBA, specializing in business analytics.

Business Analytics MBA at the Goodman School of Business (Brock University)

As one of the only business schools in Canada that offers a MBA specializing in business analytics, the Goodman School of Business produces top talent that are highly skilled in big data and other business analytics. Some of the courses students must enroll in include:

  • Enterprise Infrastructure Architecture;
  • Database Management Systems;
  • Introduction to Information Assurance; and
  • E-Business Applications of Data.

If your business is seeking to integrate big data analytics in 2016, the Goodman School of Business produces highly qualified graduates who are ready for employment. By hiring a recent graduate, you may even be eligible to receive a portion of their wage in an Ontario government grant! You may also consider enrolling a current employee of your company to receive this training. For more information on a Goodman School of Business MBA specializing in business analytics, visit the Goodman School of Business website.

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