Advancing Water Technologies (AWT) Ontario Innovation Development Grant
The Advancing Water Technologies program’s final intake deadline was September 1, 2017. Please browse available research and development programs to find project grants and loans.
Southern Ontario is at the forefront of water technology development. In fact, some of the world’s most widely used water treatment technologies were developed by Ontario businesses and academic institutions. This innovation supports a global market for water treatment technologies that is estimated to be worth $55.4 Billion (USD) by 2020.
To ensure that southern Ontario remains a leader in water technology research and development, the Government of Canada has reinvested in Southern Ontario Water Consortium’s (SOWC) Advancing Water Technologies (AWT) program. AWT supports collaborative research and development projects that lead to the commercialization of new water technologies.
Ontario businesses partnering with a SOWC post-secondary research institution to bring new water technologies to market may receive up to 50% of eligible expenses to a maximum $100,000 in Ontario government grants to cover project costs such as salaries, report writing, developing prototypes, and purchasing equipment necessary for the technology’s development.
Advancing Water Technologies: Program Objectives
To enhance the Ontario water industry’s global competitiveness, the Advancing Water Technologies program will:
- Further develop Ontario’s water cluster potential, performance, and reputation around the world.
- Commercialize new technologies by investing in advanced research and development activities.
Partners Eligible to Receive AWT Research Grants
Collaborative research and development projects may be considered for Ontario government funding if the partnership contains (1) an industry partner, and (2) an academic partner.
Industry Partners (Southern Ontario Businesses)
Industry partners currently developing new water technologies must:
- Maintain at least two full-time employees;
- Be operating for at least two years;
- Be located in southern Ontario;
- Be in a good financial position; and
- Show that positive economic benefits (such as an increase in jobs) will result from their project.
Academic Partners (Southern Ontario Post-Secondary Institutions)
Eligible academic partners include members of the Southern Ontario Water Consortium. These post-secondary institutions include:
- Fleming College;
- McMaster University;
- Ryerson University;
- University of Guelph;
- University of Ontario Institute of Technology;
- University of Toronto;
- University of Waterloo;
- University of Western Ontario; and
- Wilfred Laurier University.
Project Eligibility: Advancing Water Technologies Collaborative R&D Funding
Technology development projects lasting up to one year in duration may be eligible for these Ontario research grants. A range of technical research and development activities will be considered, including:
- Applied research leading to practical industry benefits;
- Prototyping;
- Advanced project development and testing;
- Technology demonstration projects;
- Certification or verification if part of a larger project.
Apply for the Advancing Water Technologies Ontario Business Grant
Industry partners wishing to apply for the Advancing Water Technologies program should start by developing a project plan that consists of a project budget. With this information, southern Ontario businesses will be able to complete AWT’s Project Preliminary Intake Form. If the project shows strong connection to the program’s objectives, applicants will be able to complete an application to receive research grants.
The Advancing Water Technologies program’s final intake deadline was September 1, 2017. Please browse available research and development programs to find project grants and loans.
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