TargetGHG Collaborative Technology Development Program Deadline: March 16, 2017


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TargetGHG Collaborative Technology Development Program grants support the development of innovative products and processes that lead towards a significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Through the program, Ontario-based businesses may receive government funding to enter into a clean technology (cleantech) partnership with at least at least one other R&D partner.

The consortium’s lead applicant may be awarded up to 50% of project expenses (up to 67% for lead applicants with fewer than 10 employees) with no defined maximum contribution. Project partners must provide in-kind service contributions that help research, design, or test the technology.

Cleantech developers must apply for the TargetGHG Collaborative Technology Development Program by March 16, 2017. 

Businesses who wish to apply for TargetGHG grants must act quickly since there are no future intake dates scheduled for the program. This may be your last opportunity to collect research grants through the program; begin preparing your application now to improve your chances of success.

Ideal Projects for the TargetGHG Collaborative Technology Development Program

TargetGHG grants will support the development of pre-commercial technologies. To be considered, all innovations must have a technology readiness level (TRL) of 4-7 and focus on reducing GHGs through one of the following levels:

  • Industrial Point Source: Cleaner production technologies that prevent GHGs from being created
  • Value Chain: Technologies that transform post-production, logistics, and waste disposal systems to prevent GHG emissions from escaping into the atmosphere.
  • Carbon Capture & Storage: Innovative technologies that can collect, contain, and recycle greenhouse gas emissions that have escaped into the atmosphere.

Are You Eligible for TargetGHG Cleantech Research and Development Grants?

Ontario-based small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) who demonstrate the ability to develop GHG reduction technologies may apply. This includes businesses who have:

  • Been incorporated and have operations within Canada;
  • Manufacturing or research & development operations in Ontario;
  • Less than $50 million in annual gross revenue; and
  • Fewer than 500 full-time employees.

TargetGHG Collaboration Requirements

As part of the program, technology developers must also form a collaborative research and development consortium with at least one other:

  • Canadian SME;
  • Large enterprise/industrial emitter; or
  • Academic institution.

Consortium partners are expected to provide in-kind contributions to the project as their form of support. Including more than one partner will help to strengthen the abilities of the consortium and lead to better outcomes. This can benefit applications by showing industry support for the innovation.

Apply for TargetGHG Research and Development Grants by March 16, 2017

There is a two-phase process for applying to the TargetGHG cleantech funding program. This includes:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI) Submission: Detailing the proposed commitment of consortium partners and the project’s implications for national GHG emissions.
  2. Funding Proposal Submission: Upon approval into the program, applicants will need to submit documentation of planned project expenses and a comprehensive project plan outlining milestones and an expected project finish date.

The TargetGHG Collaborative Technology Development Program will accept Expressions of Interest for a (potentially) final time on March 16, 2017. To check if your business is eligible for the TargetGHG program, please contact Ryan.

Learn More About TargetGHG Clean Technology Development Grants

Get Started     Program Overview     Eligibility Criteria

Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team

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