New Intake: Quantum Leap Funding for Biopharmaceutical Innovation


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When world-class pharmaceutical firms, Canadian biotech companies, leading scientists from public and private sectors, and the Canadian and Quebec governments work together on advanced technologies for next-generation solutions, the possibilities for lasting innovation are limitless. In coming together as a consortium, CQDM’s approach greatly reduces the research funding gap that exists between the biopharmaceutical academic and private sectors.

Administered through the CQDM, the Quantum Leap Funding Program offers up to 50-66% funding to a maximum of $1.2 million towards research and development projects for pharmaceutical drug solutions.

Founded in 2008 with a total distribution of over $850 million in funding to date, the Consortium Québécois sur la Découverte du Médicament (CQDM) is a biopharmaceutical research group sponsored by nine of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies including AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly Canada, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Novartis Pharma, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Canada, and the governments of Quebec and Canada. CQDM’s mission is to accelerate the research and development of safer and more effective drugs.

The next intake deadline to apply for Quantum Leap funding is February 18, 2021.

What is the Quantum Leap Funding Program?

As CQDM’s key initiative, the Quantum Leap Funding Program was created to help small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Canadian universities with funding to work on cutting-edge, innovative pharmaceutical research projects with the overall goal of discovering cleaner and more efficient drug options.

Applicant Eligibility

The CQDM Quantum Leap Funding Program is open to the Canadian scientific community:

  • Canadian SMEs with less than 500 employees.
  • Public research institutions in Canada, such as universities and colleges.

Due to budget modifications and restrictions, applicants must contact CQDM to confirm eligibility before applying.

Project Eligibility

Eligible applicants must have a project timeline minimum of one year, and a maximum timeline of three years, as well as meet the following application review process requirements:

  • Requested funding must be from $500,000 to $1,200,000, although CQDM may consider applications surpassing the maximum;
  • CQDM pharmaceutical members must have pledged at least one-third of the funds in support of the proposed contract; and
  • Applicants must raise matched funding for the project. When possible, CQDM may offer support to applicants.

Eligible Costs

Eligible costs for projects of the Quantum Leap Funding Program include:

  • Salary and benefits of research personnel required to carry out the project (technical/professional assistants, post-doctoral fellows, and students); and
  • Material and laboratory support including supplies and services provided by third-party suppliers required to execute the project.

Non-Eligible Costs

  • Equipment or facilities (purchase or rental); and
  • Wages of the principal investigator (PI) and co-investigators from universities and their affiliated research centres.

How to Apply for the Quantum Leap Funding Program

Although proposal calls for Quantum Leap projects are available year-round, the deadline to participate in the next selection round is February 18th, 2021.

Application Process

Please contact the Ryan team to help in the planning and submission process of accurately representing your proposed project for the Quantum Leap Funding Program.

After the application has been submitted, CQDM team members may request additional information due to the nature of close collaboration for Quantum Leap projects.

Selection Process

External experts will review project applications based on the following criteria:

  • Potential impact on drug research
  • Scientific excellence
  • Feasibility
  • Positioning and competitive edge
  • Commercial potential
  • Quality of the business plan
  • Economic benefits
  • Research team (principal investigator and co-investigators)

Approved Quantum Leap projects are explored in close cooperation with expert support and funds from pharmaceutical members.

Government Funding for Innovative Research and Development Projects

The deadline to apply for the next round of CQDM’s Quantum Leap Funding Program for innovation towards safer and more effective drug discovery is February 18th, 2021.

If your business is interested in research and development for innovation, there are alternative government funding programs such as the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) and the Ontario Resilience Fund that accommodate the bio-manufacturing sector.

Make sure you stay up to date with the Ryan Weekly Funding Newsletter to learn about the latest in government funding news.

Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team

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