Green Industrial Facilities Manufacturing Program (GIFMP) – Industrial Facility Track 2024 Intake


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As part of Canada’s goal to meet climate change goals and reduce net carbon emissions, the government has implemented a variety of government funding programs. Among projects deemed top priority is retrofitting Canadian manufacturing facilities with new systems and infrastructure to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Industrial Facilities Manufacturing Program (GIFMP) is one program that provides support for these business activities.  

The Green Industrial Facilities Manufacturing Program (GIFMP) provides financial assistance for the implementation of energy efficiency and energy management solutions designed to maximize energy efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, and competitiveness for the Canadian manufacturing industry by supporting the implementation of energy efficiency and energy management solutions. 

Its Industrial Facility stream supports the implementation of energy efficiency and energy management solutions for facilities that are engaged in energy consuming processes that involve the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products. This stream is open to receive proposals and will close by August 30, 2024.

Funding Snapshot: Green Industrial Facilities Manufacturing Program (GIFMP) – Industrial Facility Stream

Funding Amount 

Contributions of up to 50% of eligible costs, from a minimum of $40,000 to a maximum of $10 million per proposal.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants may be eligible if they meet these requirements:  

  • Facilities located in Canada that involve processes that consume a lot of energy and involve the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances to produce new products. 

Eligible Activities

The following activities may be eligible for funding via this program: 

  • Training for Energy Management Practitioners;
  • Energy assessments and audits;
  • Energy managers;
  • Energy management systems; and
  • Capital investments.

Eligible Costs

In addition to the activities described above, eligible costs can also include:

  • Salaries and benefits of employees of the eligible recipient;
  • Professional services; or
  • License fees, data purchases, certification costs, regulatory compliance and inspection costs, construction insurance, and permits.


  • Program is now open to receive proposals and will close by August 30, 2024.
  • Only covers costs incurred after the signature of an agreement and before March 31, 2027.

More Government Funding Opportunities for Canadian Businesses 

To learn more about government funding opportunities for business looking to improve their operations, please visit our government funding directory for a comprehensive list of the top programs available today. 

Moreover, visit our events page to find a list of our upcoming webinars. These events provide significant free opportunities to learn about programs related to their industry and business activities. 

Contact the Ryan Canadian Government Funding Team 

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