How to Qualify for CONII Collaborative Research and Development


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Professor having discussion with college studentsThe Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) is a non-profit organization that distributes government funding for research and development through numerous programs to support R&D efforts including collaboration between industry and academic partners. The Colleges Ontario Network for Industry Innovation (CONII) program is a program that connects small and medium size businesses with Ontario Colleges to collaborate on projects that involve research into solving a problem encountered by the industry partner.

Benefits of CONII Collaborative Research and Development

The benefits of the program for small and medium sized businesses include access to:

  • Space and equipment;
  • Technical expertise;
  • Ideas about innovative products, services and processes; and
  • Support for finding partners for research stages through to commercialization phase.

Eligibility and Access to CONII for Research and Development

The CONII program does not provide the applicant with government funding. Instead, its purpose is creating the connection between businesses and colleges. Funding for the project can be accessed through other OCE provincial government funding programs, as well as other sources.

CONII Collaborative Research and Development: Eligibility

Eligible businesses must be for-profit, located in Ontario and able to demonstrate financial stability. The business must have a defined problem to work on with the partnering College. The business can seek out a partner college or OCE will make these arrangements as part of the CONII program.  Colleges must have the knowledge and capacity to work with the industry partner and the expertise to assist in solving the problem.

Industry & Post-secondary Collaboration Research and Development: Application Details

Applications for this program are accepted throughout the year – there are no specific deadlines. Applications can be made directly through a partner college or through OCE.  Learn more about this program by choosing from one of the following options:

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