ICTC Career Focus: Strengthening Canada’s Workforce


Reading Time: 2 minutes


Multi-ethnic business group hiringInformation and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) is a centre of expertise in Digital Economy research, labour market intelligence, policy development, program management and delivery.  ICTC is able to empower industry to maintain a competitive advantage through a highly-skilled workforce by leveraging their strong network of industry, academia and government.  The ICTC Career Focus government funding for small business helps small and medium-sized organizations with additional financial resources to help them employ skilled young post-secondary graduates in their workplace and increase productivity.

Competency Models for Small Business Grants for Hiring

A major part of ICTC’s work is the joint research performed to develop competency models that can both be used at the industry level to guide hiring decisions that will help organizations find the type of young professionals necessary to encourage innovation and improve workplace efficiency.  At the same time, these competency models also help to steer academic institutions to provide the curriculum and skill development to students that will help nurture the skill-sets required to handle the workplace demands of the future.

Workplace Experience Classification & Funding for Small Business Hiring Application

Classification of workplace experience within the ICTC Career Focus Canadian business grant application is meant to verify that the position for which the employer applies for small business grants support falls within the range of designated roles predetermined to offer a high return of value in establishing efficient workplace practices and competitive advantage.   These roles include but are not limited to jobs involving:  Software Products, Infrastructure, Management, Hardware Products, Testing and Quality Control, and a number of eHealth positions.

Learn More About ICTC & Their Work through Canadian Government Funding

Watch this 3 minute video (below) to learn more about the long reach of ICTC’s research and funding for small business programs.

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