HRSDC Career Focus Small Business Grants Cover 100% of New Hire Wages


Reading Time: 2 minutes

bigstock-Business-woman-with-her-team-a-48958436The Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) Career Focus small business grants for hiring program offers one of the most generous rewards we have seen to small and medium-sized employers that hire a recent graduate. The program boasts that, for the Q4 2013 release, it will subsidize wages of recent graduates hired under the program for 25 weeks at a rate of 100%, or a maximum $20 per hour.

Plan Ahead to Take Advantage of this Small Business Grants for Hiring Program

Because of the timeline of HRSDC Career Focus’ late-2013 release, we recommend planning a couple of months in advance, meaning you are encouraged to apply to the program now, however plan to have someone hired by for a December 2, 2013 start date. If you are looking to hire someone prior to December 2013, iSTEM Ontario business grants or CareerConnect Canadian small business grants, are better options for the hiring of recent graduates of technical programs.

HRSDC Career Focus Canadian Business Grants Success Stories

Most recently Ryan has experienced great success with this program and has since recommended the program to many of our long-standing clients and so interested parties should contact a Canadian government funding expert immediately in order to avoid missing out on this tremendous opportunity as funding for this program is limited.

Learn More about HRSDC Career Focus Grants from the Canadian Government

To learn more about these grants for small business, choose from one of the options below:

More Small Business Grants for Hiring Opportunities Available through Ryan

Do you need to access funding from a Canadian or Ontario business grants for hiring program now?   Then look no further than Ryan to help find the hiring programs to meet your strategic needs.  We have helped hundreds of clients access funding from programs such as:  iSTEMOntario Exporter’s FundICTC CareerConnectMitacs Enterprise, NOHFC Youth Internship & Co-op and more –sometimes within as little as a few hours.

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