Update: Small Business Grants for Hiring Recent ICT Grads


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May 2016 Update: The evolution of hiring grants within Canada has created several new opportunities for businesses in recent years. To ensure your business is considering the most valuable wage subsidy, use our free Wage Subsidy Identifier tool. By providing quick facts about your company and candidate, you’ll be matched to the best available grants for hiring.

Sectorial hiring grants provide funding to businesses that hire recent graduates in Canada’s fastest growing industries. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector small business grants for hiring subsidize wages of graduates working in IT, online marketing and graphic design positions. Graduates eligible to be covered through this Canadian business grants program may perform tasks such as any IT-related role, search engine optimization (SEO), software development, database creation and maintenance, building content and link building strategies –to name just a few.

Canadian Small Business Grants for ICT Hiring Details

Government grants for small business fund up to 50% of the eligible employee’s wages, up to a maximum of $16,000 for 1-2 interns. Companies must look to hire a currently unemployed, post-secondary graduate for a full time IT position for at least 3 months. The intern needs to work a minimum of 30 hours per week.

Canadian Small Business Grants Example Positions

  • Web Designer/Developer
  • Computer Programmer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Computer/Hardware Engineer
  • Graphic Designer/Illustrator
  • Computer and Information System Manager
  • Interactive Media Developer

Small Business Grants Employer Eligibility

In order to be eligible for ICT grants to hire recent grads, applicant companies must:

  • Provide full time work for participant
  • Participating candidate must be provided employment within Canada
  • Company must possess financial capacity to fulfill work experience period
  • Demonstrate potential for permanent position
  • Provide proof of wages paid
  • Provide “Learning Plan” for participant
  • Not currently be on payroll – Please wait until after you are accepted for funding

Government Small Business Grants Employee Eligibility

Employees must meet the following criteria in order to qualify for this government funding for business program:

  • Be between 15-30 years of age
  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or person who has been granted refugee status in Canada
  • Post-secondary graduate
  • Be legally entitled to work in Canada
  • Has not previously worked for the company applying for the Career Connect Program
  • Unemployed or underemployed at the time of application

Get Started With Canadian Wage Subsidies for Business

While these small business grants for hiring recent ICT graduates are an excellent option for most businesses in the technology sector, other hiring grants may provide increased value. Several grants to hire recent graduates exist, however understanding the value that each could provide to your business is a time-demanding process. Businesses should get started with Canadian government funding to hire recent grads by accessing Ryan’s free Wage Subsidy Identifier tool. By providing us with more information about your position to be filled, we can help align you to the most appropriate hiring grant.

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