Hiring and Training Funding

Hiring and Training Grant, Loan, and Funding Programs Ryan Can Write for Your Business

A business is only as strong as its team. If you are planning on expanding or developing your workforce, there are Canadian government grants for small business recruitment activities to ensure they have qualified workers and the requisite skills and capabilities to support ongoing and future business plans. Funding programs can help organizations hire or retrain staff, improve their effectiveness, and train their staff in new areas such as advanced technologies or operational processes.

The Ryan team of Canadian government grant, tax credit, loan, and funding experts provide our clients with an average of 95% time savings. Speak with a member of our team to find out what programs your business may be eligible for through our Get Funding Help page.

Funding Region Filter

Funding Programs




  • Alberta

  • Supports recruiting, hiring, and retaining workers in the agriculture and agri-food industry.
  • Access up to 80% of costs to a maximum $40K per eligible project.

  • Alberta

  • Employers in the aviation industry can offset training costs to help fill jobs, address skills gaps, and support the expansion of Alberta’s aviation and aerospace workforce.
  • Access up to a maximum of $3 million per application.


  • Ontario

  • Aims to liaison more young Canadians into the automotive sector by providing participants the opportunity to gain skills training and knowledge through a placement or employment.
  • Up to 800 participants will receive up to $8,000 in training costs.

  • Atlantic

  • Designed to reduce the costs of providing third-party skills training to new and existing employees.
  • Up to 50-100% of eligible costs covered in most provinces.

  • Canada Wide

  • Support for employers providing supervised career-related work experience for youth employees.
  • Up to 50% of employee minimum hourly rate; Non-profits can receive grants up to 100% of minimum wage; Amount is capped at a max $300K per employer.

  • Ontario

  • Administered by the Canadian Tooling & Machining Association (CTMA), the hiring grant supports Ontario’s precision metalworking sector with youth hires.
  • Funding 50% of wages paid to a max of $5,000 for each placement.

  • Canada Wide

  • Helps Canadian communities confront discrimination by funding new opportunities, discussions, and research to bring together Canada’s diverse cultures and religions.
  • Up to $1 million in government funding.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports Canadian businesses by co-investing in projects that help Canadians develop the skills, leadership and opportunities needed to grow innovative digital enterprises.
  • Funding amounts vary from project to project.

  • Manitoba

  • Supports employers to hire employees that have received their vaccination.
  • Up to $5,000 per employee to a maximum $50,000 for 10 employees.

  • Canada Wide

  • The Workforce Transformation program provides leadership teams with an affordable and high-value opportunity to participate together in learning and assessment workshops to develop strategic plans.
  • Up to 80% reimbursement for upskilling and training costs.

  • Ontario

  • Supporting economic development initiatives in Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance towards projects that diversify their region.
  • Receive up to $5,000,000 per project as either a grant or partially forgivable loan.

  • Ontario

  • Designed to attract, retain, and develop Northern Ontario’s workforce by creating and sustaining new and existing jobs.
  • Receive up to 90% of an Indigenous person’s salary of up to $52.5k a year, and up to 90% of other eligible applicants for up to $35k a year.

  • Ontario

  • Supporting economic development initiatives in Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance towards projects that diversify their region.
  • Receive up to $2,000,000 per project as either a grant or partially forgivable loan.

  • Ontario

  • Supports eligible Ontario applicants to develop programs which encourage youth to pursue a future career in the automotive sector.
  • Provides non-repayable contributions to a maximum $500,000 towards eligible expenses.

  • Canada Wide

  • Will support and fund partners in developing short-cycle programs (4 to 16 weeks) that combine specialized technical training, general business training, and interpersonal skills development across key economic sectors.
  • Up to 70% of the total eligible costs.

  • Canada Wide

  • Designed to help organizations with projects that build agricultural leadership and entrepreneurial capacity among under-represented groups.
  • Access up to 70% of eligible project expenses which may amount to a maximum $200k.

  • Ontario

  • Supports Ontario consortiums in the development and implementation of innovative workforce development projects that test new and emerging ideas and approaches to labour market challenges.
  • Up to 80% of eligible training expenses to a maximum $500,000.

  • Ontario

  • Contributes to the development and implementation of innovative workforce development projects to address the challenges of the labour market.
  • There is no maximum funding amount for this program.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports projects that recruit, retain, and help women apprentices succeed in 1 or the 39 eligible Red Seal Trades.
  • Up to $3M in funding for Canadian not-for-profits, for-profits, unions, and more.

  • Canada Wide

  • Designed to assist funding of hiring young Canadian post-secondary graduates.
  • Provides up to $30,000 per graduate (up to two) for a period of 6 to 12 months.

  • Ontario

  • Supports eligible Ontario manufacturing training activities for southern Ontario manufacturers.
  • Provides non-repayable contributions to a maximum $100,000 towards eligible expenses.

Let’s Find You Funding

You can utilize our grant writing services if your Canadian business is:

  • Positive Net Income
  • Incorporated For 2+ Years
  • Future Projects in Mind

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