Canadian Agribusiness Funding Programs

Canadian Agribusiness Grants, Tax Credits, Loans, and Funding Programs Ryan Can Write for Your Business

Find Canadian government funding programs for agribusiness with the program directory list from Ryan.

The Ryan team of Canadian government grant, tax credit, and loan funding experts provide our clients with an average of 95% time savings. Speak with a member of our team to find out what programs your business may be eligible for by visiting our Get Funding Help page.

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  • Manitoba

  • Federal government program that supports the growth and competitiveness of Manitoba agriculture.
  • Amount varies depending on the project focus your business chooses, as well as the stream chosen.

  • Alberta

  • Supports the R&D of tech that provides solutions to the agri-food and bio-industrial sectors.
  • Up to 75% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000.

  • Ontario

  • Supports the modernization of agriculture-specific, unique and innovative technologies in the workplace.
  • Up to 35% to a maximum of $100,000 per eligible project to offset costs on relevant projects.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports research, development and adoption of clean technologies through investments and promotion of agri-based bioproducts.
  • Access up to 50-75% of costs to a maximum $5M project.

  • Alberta

  • Supports recruiting, hiring, and retaining workers in the agriculture and agri-food industry.
  • Access up to 80% of costs to a maximum $40K per eligible project.

  • Saskatchewan

  • Funds research and development to accelerate the commercialization of innovations in the agricultural sector.
  • Access up to $450,000 in non-repayable grants.

  • Ontario

  • This program helps businesses to adopt clean technologies into their agri-business operations.
  • Access up to $100K in funding.

  • Canada Wide

  • Provides help for convergence of agriculture, equipment manufacturing and technology into real-world application.
  • Up to 40% of the total eligible supported expenses.

  • Canada Wide

  • The Canadian Food Innovation Network’s (CFIN) program is designed to support smart product and process development, food ecosystem sustainability, and agile and safe supply chains.
  • Up to 50% of eligible expenses or up to $2M in cost matching funds per application.

  • Canada Wide

  • Is a microloan fund for all Canadian Women entrepreneurs in need of funding support for start up, stabilizations and expansion.
  • Up to $15,000 in low-interest loan support.

  • Ontario

  • Supports economic development in investing in infrastructure or implementing strategies to advance regional priorities.
  • Up to 15-50% of project expenses to a maximum of $500k-$5M in grant or loan funding depending on stream.

  • Alberta

  • Supports innovative technology projects, as well as infrastructure upgrades for Alberta businesses through funding programs and support services.
  • Up to 50% of costs to a maximum $2.85 million in funding.

  • Ontario

  • Ontario based projects to harvest wood from Crown forests, increase forest sector job creation and regional economic growth and find new uses for wood.
  • Receive up to $250K to $10M in Government Funding.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports municipalities demonstrating an innovative solution or approach to environmental issues.
  • Up to $175,000 to cover up to 80% of eligible costs for all three study streams.

  • Ontario

  • Support new conservation and demand management programs, practices and technologies to reduce Ontario’s electricity consumption.
  • Up to a maximum of 75% of eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supporting clean technologies in the forest industry.
  • Applicants can receive 50% of eligible costs up to $20M for the general stream of the program, $1M for the small business stream, and $500K for the studies project stream.

  • New Brunswick

  • Receive incentives to undertake and complete climate change-related projects by implementing energy- and cost-saving technologies.
  • Applicants can receive up to 25% of eligible project costs up to a maximum of $1 million.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports Canadian dairy companies with funding to assist in the development of product initiatives that help grow the business for milk and dairy ingredients.
  • Up to $150K in fund matching.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports industry and academic partnerships to solve current issues through innovative means
  • Receive up to $30,000 from Mitacs

  • Ontario

  • Supporting economic development initiatives in Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance towards projects that diversify their region.
  • Receive up to $5,000,000 per project as either a grant or partially forgivable loan.

  • Ontario

  • Designed to attract, retain, and develop Northern Ontario’s workforce by creating and sustaining new and existing jobs.
  • Receive up to 90% of an Indigenous person’s salary of up to $52.5k a year, and up to 90% of other eligible applicants for up to $35k a year.

  • Ontario

  • Supporting companies commercializing health science technologies and the adoption of these technologies by healthcare organizations.
  • Up to $250,000 in funding.

  • Ontario

  • This program offers funding for research and innovation that stimulates the growth and competitiveness of Ontario’s agri-food sector.
  • Up to $150K – $200K in research funding.

  • Ontario

  • The Honey Bee Health Initiative supports beekeepers in maintaining healthy honey bee colonies as well as grow their number of colonies to increase the sustainability of the beekeeping industry in Ontario.
  • Access $25K+ for improving bee colonies.

  • Canada Wide

  • Aims to meet the need for new tools and technologies that utilize AI to help grow Canada’s plant-based food, feed, and ingredients ecosystem.
  • Funding Support for Plant-Based Protein AI Projects.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports Canadian plant-based forward-thinking companies and organizations to develop projects that will transform our industry and help realize Canada’s agri-food potential.
  • Access up to $50% of project costs in funding support.

  • Canada Wide

  • Helps supply-managed poultry and egg producers adapt to market changes.
  • Covers 70-85% of eligible costs in grant funding.


  • Canada Wide

  • Supporting collaborative product or process research, technology development, and export market development projects related to expanding Canada’s plant-based protein sector.
  • Offsets up to 50% of eligible project expenses with no defined maximum contribution. Remaining project funds must be supported by at least two project partners.

  • British Columbia

  • Helps companies develop and market quantum products and solutions for domestic and international markets.
  • Access up to 90% of total project costs with no official maximum allotment announced.

  • Ontario

  • Helps companies develop and market quantum products and solutions for domestic and international markets.
  • Access up to 50% of project costs to a maximum of $500,000 to $5 million.

  • Ontario

  • Promotes the development of a meat sector supply chain as part of the agri-food industry in the region by providing new technologies, equipment, and/or materials.
  • Access up to $25,000 at 75% cost-share toward eligible costs.

  • Ontario

  • Supports regional economic development activities in rural southern Ontario communities.
  • Up to 30-50% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $150,000-$250,000.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supporting rural economic development projects for capacity building, economic diversification, and more.
  • Funding varies by stream up to 80% of costs to a maximum of $1 million in funding contributions.

  • Canada Wide

  • Designed to help organizations with projects that build agricultural leadership and entrepreneurial capacity among under-represented groups.
  • Access up to 70% of eligible project expenses which may amount to a maximum $200k.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports businesses to commercialize and/or adopt innovative agri-based products, technologies, processes or services
  • Access up to 50% of project expenses to a maximum of $10 million per application.

  • Manitoba

  • The Research and Innovation Program supports the development of science-based solutions and tools that address known challenges, prepare for potential disruptions and climate threats, in the agriculture and agri-food sector.
  • Access $100K+ for agricultural research.

  • Canada Wide

  • This initiative aims to support farmers and food processors invest in innovative technologies and capital to increase production levels.
  • Up to 50% to a maximum of $100,000 for innovation technology and equipment projects.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports businesses to meet certification standards in the agricultural and agri-food sector
  • Up to 50% to a maximum $50,000 in non-repayable government funding

  • Canada Wide

  • Helps agri-food sector accelerate innovation through pre-commercial science activities and research.
  • Up to $5 million can be awarded to this program for a non-repayable portion of the project’s eligible costs.

  • Ontario

  • This program helps businesses to modernize their food safety systems.
  • Access up to $75K in funding per project.

  • Alberta

  • Supports grain handling components and equipment that offer significant improvements over standard practices.
  • Access up to 50% of eligible costs up to maximum $100,000.

  • Alberta

  • Contributes to the Government of Alberta’s strategic objectives to grow and develop Alberta’s value-added agriculture sector.
  • Access up to 50% of costs to a maximum $2 million per application.

  • Alberta

  • Encourages farmers to adopt innovative technologies that minimize agricultural waste, maximize farm efficiency, and ensure farm security.
  • Access 50% up to maximum of $48,000 for eligible farm technology expenses, and up to 50% up to max, of $2,000 for eligible farm security expenses.

  • Alberta

  • Invests in projects that expand market opportunities, increase company sales, and create jobs in Alberta’s value-added food and bioindustry processors.
  • Access up to $250,000 in funding support.

  • Manitoba

  • Supports modernization and capacity building activities that will assist in enhancing efficiency, productivity, and environmental sustainability.
  • From $50,000 up to $2.5M depending on project size and stream.

  • Manitoba

  • Program provides financial assistance to businesses to enhance their export capacity and improve their domestic and international access.
  • Up to 50% up to a max. of $30,000.

  • Manitoba

  • Program provides financial assistance to increase carbon sequestration from practices related to agroforestry and grassland management.
  • Up to 75% of total eligible expenses up to a maximum of $15,000 per project.

  • Manitoba

  • Program funds the adoption of beneficial management practices (BMPs) that increase the sector’s environmental and economic sustainability.
  • Up to 30-75% of costs to a maximum $10,000 – $855,000 depending on stream.

  • New Brunswick

  • Helps New Brunswick’s agri-food processing and manufacturing companies innovate, increase their competitiveness, improve efficiency and accuracy, as well as improve their quality and efficiency.
  • Up to 30-50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $100,000.


  • New Brunswick

  • Supports the food basket industry in leveraging new, existing, and emerging markets, from local farmers’ markets to international ones, to increase sales.
  • Up to 50% to a maximum of $15,000 annually per project per year.

  • Ontario

  • Program supports their competitiveness, profitability, growth, and long-term sustainability.
  • Up to 20% of eligible expenses to a maximum $300,000 per business.

  • Ontario

  • Helps eligible agri-food businesses and industry organizations in Ontario to export their products into local and global markets to boost economic growth and innovation.
  • Up to $125,000 in non-repayable funding.

  • Ontario

  • Helps eligible local meat processors expand their operations through the Meat Processors Capacity Improvement Initiative.
  • Up to $150,000 in non-repayable funding.

  • Ontario

  • This program will provide funding support to projects aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sequester carbon.
  • Up to $25,000 per acre depending on project priorities.

  • Ontario

  • This program supports farmers plant varieties of produce that will improve quality, production, and marketability.
  • Up to $50,000 in Agricultural funding.

  • Ontario

  • This program provides eligible maple syrup producers access to cost-shared funding to support a range of activities to enhance their operations.
  • Up to $20,000 in cost-share funding.

  • Saskatchewan

  • Saskatchewan businesses can receive funding towards under the development of prototypes and services.
  • Access up to 50% of project costs to a max of $50,000 in funding support.

  • Ontario

  • Supports the resiliency of the agriculture and food sector by addressing biosecurity risks and enhancing emergency preparedness.
  • Up to 35% of costs to a maximum of $50K – $100K in funding.

  • Canada Wide

  • One of the largest tax incentive programs available to a wide range of Canadian businesses.
  • Access up to 69% of labour and overhead costs, 36% of contractor costs, and 45% of material costs.

  • Ontario

  • Supports companies investing in new facilities and equipment to advance regional priorities.
  • Up to 15-50% of expenses to a maximum of $500k-$5M in grant or loan funding depending on stream.

  • Ontario

  • Supports the economic recovery and resiliency of Ontario’s Agri-food sector.
  • Access up to 25% of costs, to a maximum of $125,000.

  • Canada Wide

  • Supports the impacts of international trade agreements on processors in the agri-food sector.
  • Receive up to 50% of costs to a max. of $5 million.

  • Canada Wide

  • Designed to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resilience of the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products industries in Canada.
  • Funding varies by program.

  • Canada Wide

  • Designed to assist funding of hiring young Canadian post-secondary graduates.
  • Provides up to $30,000 per graduate (up to two) for a period of 6 to 12 months.

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You can utilize our grant writing services if your Canadian business is:

  • Positive Net Income
  • Incorporated For 2+ Years
  • Future Projects in Mind

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