Dajcor Aluminum Awarded Over $1M in Ontario Business Grants


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dajcor Aluminum Ltd. engineers and manufacturers extruded and fabricated metal components. Their products are used for a range of industries, including the automotive, construction, marine, and indoor plumbing sectors. The Chatham-Kent, Ontario-based business has been in operations since 2010 and now maintains 140 employees.

The aluminum manufacturer was recently announced as recipients of over $1 million in Ontario business grants through the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF). This funding will support a $10.2 million investment into Dajcor’s facility and will support the business’ increased competitiveness.

Among the key benefits of their expansion project, Dajcor will be able to implement new, more innovative product lines, increase energy efficiency, and employ more workers. The strategic use of Ontario government grants will enhance the company’s growth above what they could afford to accomplish alone.

Ontario Business Grants Enable Dajcor Aluminum’s Expansion Project

Dajcor Aluminum’s $10.3 million project will have a direct impact on the business’ abilities to grow and succeed in the future. The project will boost Dajcor’s competitiveness in two ways:  increasing their innovative product offerings and becoming more energy-efficient.

  • The company will implement new state-of-the-art fabricating equipment (extrusion press line, automated anodizing line) that is more efficient and provides greater capacity for their current product offerings. The technology will also enable the business to explore new product lines, such as components for light rail transit doors, ventilation systems, and LED light enclosures.
  • Dajcor will also install an energy co-generation unit that burns natural gas in order to generate electricity, heat, and steam. The electricity generated through the unit can power much of Dajcor’s facility, while steam can be used in the anodizing process, and excess heat can be used to warm the facility in winter months. These improvements will help Dajcor save up to $500,000 on hydro annually.

Among other key benefits provided through the project, Dajcor anticipates adding 35+ jobs once the project has been completed. This shows the direct result that business investment can create in small towns and communities throughout Ontario.

Related Blog: Chatham-Kent Manufacturer Grows with Canadian Government Funding Wins

Dajcor Succeeded with Assistance from The Government Funding Planners™

Dajcor is an extremely forward-thinking company who has been successful with multiple Canadian government funding programs. Their latest grant from the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund is just one of the many programs Dajcor is using to increase its productivity and overall competitiveness.

The company also understands the value of working with Ryan to assist the application, submission, and reporting process. Since 2014, Ryan and Dajcor have been collaborating to define strategic projects in a way that conveys high impact and priority to government funding agencies. This partnership was instrumental in helping Dajcor apply and succeed with Ontario government grants.

Dajcor is a model example for how small business grants can be used to grow companies quickly. Since the business began applying for government grants, they have effectively hit every category of funding, including technology adoption, research and development, business expansion, and hiring and training.

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF) Ontario Business Grants

Dajcor received over $1 million in Ontario government grants through the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund. SWODF provides up to 15% of expenses to a maximum $1.5 million in grants for business expansion projects increasing productivity and adding new jobs.

To qualify for the fund, applicants must be based in Ontario, incorporated for at least three years, have at least 10 full-time employees, and plan to hire new employees as a result of the business expansion project. To discuss your eligibility for the program, or to get started with an application, please contact Ryan.

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