Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium


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Capitalizing on Industry Experience

Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) is currently Canada’s largest not-for-profit consortium for the manufacturing industry. EMC offers their members the opportunity to partake in innovative training programs and events that are dedicated to the sharing of best practice knowledge relating to various sectors of the manufacturing industry.

Learn Industry Tricks & Tips to Increase Your Competitive Advantage

EMC is well known for their Strategic Interest Group (SIG) meetings where members are able to network, benchmark, and share their knowledge and experience with one another on specific issues regarding their businesses. There are thousands of SIG events held annually to discuss the pending issues of the industry and provide expert advice on possible solutions. For those who are interested in attending these events, we have posted more information on the upcoming EMC Event Dates in one of our previous blogs.

Implement & Adopt Programs to Increase Efficiency

EMC also provides their members with opportunities to participate in programs and initiatives that would assist them with the adoption of new operational and managerial systems.  Members are offered reduced rates on some of these systems and services through EMC’s relationships with their preferred providers. Members are also able to seek the advice and support from other EMC members who are in a similar sector and have already implemented these programs and systems into their business. Some of EMC’s more popular service programs deal with the implementation of Lean Manufacturing Processes, Environmental Health and Safety Initiatives, and Cooperative Purchasing Programs. For those who are considered eligible, these service programs may also be further subsidized by applying for one of the Canadian Government Funding Programs for Small Businesses.

Opportunities for Business Expansion

Businesses who are interested in the programs and benefits mentioned in this blog should contact EMC to inquire about their membership details. For companies who are seeking funding benefits, keep up to date with the Canadian Business Funding Programs by subscribing to our blog or following us on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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