Ontario Centres of Excellence: The Collaboration Voucher Program


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research and development fundingThe Collaboration Voucher Program is a research collaboration program delivered on behalf of the Province of Ontario by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE).

Focus of Ontario Government Funding for Business, Associations & Groups

The aim of the program is to help Ontario companies improve productivity, performance and competitiveness by linking them with reputable Ontario research institutions that include universities, colleges and research hospitals.  Unlike small business grants, vouchers received by Ontario businesses can be used as a credit redeemable for expertise and resources from any of the approved research institutions.

Ontario Government Funding for Research and Development

There are four different types of vouchers that Ontario businesses can apply for:

Program Focus Amount Benefit Duration Timeline
Voucher for Innovation and Productivity Product & Service Development with a focus on expansion of export markets Up to $20,000 voucher A streamlined application enables access to additional funding through Connect Canada, NSERC and IRAP 6-12 Months Open
Voucher for Commercialization (VC) Commercialize intellectual property developed at Ontario’s research institutions Up to $50,000 voucher OCE may consider supporting a start-up that has the right to commercialize the IP with up to $5,000 for IP filing costs Not Established Open
Voucher for E-Business (VEB) Connects Ontario businesses with Ontario colleges to help them take advantage of online tools to aid market expansion, including exports Colleges responsible for selection of partners, delivery of vouchers to companies. OCE supports up to $2,500 per company, and $50,000 per college Solve real-world e-business problems Funds must be fully committed by January 31, 2014, all projects must be completed by March 31, 2014 OPEN. Application Submission Deadline: August 1, 2014
Voucher for Industry Association R&D Challenge (VIA) Connects groups of companies or industry associations with publicly funded academic research institutions to address sector-wide research and development challenges (Vary by sector) matching cash and in-kind contribution. Funding flows directly to the academic institution payable against quarterly submission of eligible expenses Identify marketable solutions to current industry challenges that benefit a sector Not Established Open

Learn More about Ontario Government Funding through OCE Voucher Programs

To learn more about Ontario government funding through the OCE voucher program and other accompanying Ontario small business grants contact a Canadian Government Funding Expert.

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