NHM Small Business Grants for Ontario MedTech


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NurseThe New Horizons for MedTech (NHM) program has begun receiving applications for its second round of funding.  NHM is an Ontario small business grants program supported by Canada’s Medical Technologies Companies (MEDEC), Canadian MedTech Manufacturers’ Alliance (CMMA), and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).

NHM Small Business Grants Ontario Details

NHM Ontario business grants offer small and medium-sized businesses up to $30,000 in support of global expansion strategies and international marketing campaigns.  Some of the various marketing-related activities that our MedTech clients have received NMH government small business grants for include:

  • Incoming and out-going missions,
  • Focus groups
  • Product testing
  • Legal-related activities
  • Certification and patent searches prior to entering new export markets

New Horizons for MedTech government grants for small business also cover consulting fees associated with the development of marketing plans for targeting a new region, example activities include: market assessments and competitive analysis.

Ontario Small Business Grants Timeline

NHM grants for small business in Ontario program is currently accepting applications.  Recipients of funding must complete their projects before December 31, 2013.

Learn More about Small Business Grants for Ontario New Horizons for MedTech (NHM)

To learn more about this government funding for business expansion program, choose from one of the options below, or select “Get Started” to contact a Canadian government funding expert about the next steps to start you grant application.

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