IRAP Mid-Size Project: Up to 65% R&D Grants for Canadian Businesses
Eligible Companies: IRAP Mid-Size Project R&D Grant
Most recipients of this IRAP R&D grant must be fewer than 500 employees and incorporated within Canada. The business must also prove their commitment to internal R&D, as Mid-Size Projects require salaried employees to be directly involved in the R&D project in order to receive funding. Projects that export the R&D activities to contractors are ineligible under the Mid-Size Project grant.
Eligible Projects: IRAP Mid-Size Project R&D Funding Program
Projects considered for the IRAP Mid-Size Project grant must innovate. Businesses wishing to reverse engineer or develop products similar to others on the market will be denied funding. The project must be market leading and innovate within its industry. Impacts related to the project should include job creation or retention, sustainable growth, and new revenue channels. Funding awarded typically ranges from $50,000-$500,000 in non-repayable grants.
Get started with R&D Grants and other Business Funding Grants & Loans
IRAP receives new funding at the beginning of their fiscal year, April 1. This funding is allocated on a first-come first-serve basis, so it is recommended that businesses apply towards the beginning of the government’s fiscal cycle. To learn more about IRAP and other funding programs, including how to get started, please feel free to contact a Ryan funding expert directly or register for a free funding event.
Learn More About IRAP Mid-Size Research and Development Funding for Business
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