How to Qualify for AgriMarketing Assurance Stream Funding


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Bottle industryThe AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream focuses on the development of national assurance systems and standards that help promote food safety and security and other priority priorities. This government grants Canada program run by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC) and offers up to $1 million per project.

AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream: Snapshot

  • Amount: Max contribution of $1,000,000 per project. Min of 25% cost sharing; In-kind max of 10%.
  • Timeline: From April 1, 2013 – September 2017. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2018.
  • Eligibility: With limitations: administration costs, salaries, contracted services, travel costs and other project costs

AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream: Project Focus Summary

Project priorities include market relevance, livestock traceability and projects related to food for human consumption have been identified as priorities. Preference may be given to project proposals with higher levels of industry contributions

AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream: Project Focus Details

The following description include additional details about the Assurance Systems Stream project areas of focus:

AAFC AgriMarketing Project Focus: Food Safety Systems

Projects should focus on industry-led development and completion of producer/enterprise manuals, training of auditors/trainers and the management system.

AAFC AgriMarketing Project Focus: Surveillance Systems

Projects should focus on industry-led activities and tools to support the development of a national disease surveillance system for all farmed animals and/or cultivated plants. Projects cannot duplicate the surveillance activities of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency or provincial/territorial governments.

AAFC AgriMarketing Project Focus: Market Attribute/Quality Standards

Projects should focus on industry-led development of market relevant attribute or product standards and of tools to assist in demonstration of adherence to such a standard.

AAFC AgriMarketing Project Focus: Traceability Systems

Projects should focus on industry-led development and implementation of a system that can track and trace a plant, animal or product to support product claims of market attributes or for the purposes of emergency management in the plant or animal sector

AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream: Ineligible activities

The following activities have been deemed ineligible under this program:

  • Re-benchmarking or certification renewal to an international or private standard after initial benchmarking status has been received;
  • Payment of annual fees, regular reviews and regular reporting associated with maintaining benchmarking or recognition status; and
  • Project activities intended to directly influence/lobby governments.

AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream: Eligible Costs

Eligible costs under the Assurance Systems stream include:

  • Administration
  • Salaries/Benefits
  • Contracted Services
  • Travel
  • Capital/Assets
  • Other Direct Project Costs
  • The refundable portion of the GST, value-added taxes, or other items for which a refund or rebate is received;
  • Costs being reimbursed under an existing federal, provincial, territorial, or municipal program;
  • Capital items not specifically required for the execution of a project;
  • Legal fees associated with the incorporation of an organization;
  • Planning costs to apply for funding;
  • Any other costs incurred by eligible recipients in relation to approved projects, and not otherwise listed as eligible, may be ineligible for reimbursement at the discretion of AAFC.

AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream: Ineligible costs:

Learn More about AgriMarketing Assurance Systems Stream through AAFC

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