Clean Water and Wastewater Fund Aids 5 Québec Infrastructure Projects


Reading Time: 3 minutes

$5.3 million in Québec government grants have recently been awarded to support water system infrastructure. As result of this Québec government funding, the municipalities of Asbestos, Nantes, Saint-Robert Bellarmin, and Weedon will be able to accelerate the completion of local projects and improve the quality of living provided to their residents.

Of this substantial contribution, $3.2 million in Québec government grants will be provided through the Clean Water and Water Waster Fund (CWWF). The program supports municipalities updating and expanding existing water system infrastructure to meet current efficiency standards and capacity needs. CWWF provides municipalities and local service boards with up to 50% coverage to offset eligible infrastructure project costs.

Québec government funding will enable Estrie region municipalities to enhance their production, distribution, disposal, and treatment of water. Four of the awarded municipalities received funding for the renewal of water pipes, however one will focus on the development of a waste water retention basin.

Related Post: Clean Water and Wastewater Fund: Government Grants for Municipalities

Clean Water and Wastewater Fund Helps Improve Water Systems in Québec

In Québec, aging water pipes and outdated treatment facilities have become a growing concern for many communities. Recently, municipalities across Québec have been investing in infrastructure enhancements to improve water conditions within the province. Across the Estrie region, businesses and residents require better access to clean water and proper wastewater disposal procedures.

The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund has provided a $3.2 million investment to help municipalities in Estrie develop sustainable services and facilities, while protecting public health.

A total investment of $5.3 million investment, provided through CWWF and Quebec provincial funding, will allow Estrie to:

  • Upgrade outdated water pipes; and
  • Install retention basins for wastewater.

 The following chart highlights Québec-based projects that have recently been funded by the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund:

Project Location Project Type CWWF Funding Awarded
Asbestos Wastewater Retention Basin $ 494,619
Asbestos Water Pipe Renewal $ 441,958
Nantes Water Pipe Renewal $ 849,699
Saint-Robert-Bellarmin Water Pipe Renewal $ 679,502
Weedon Water Pipe Renewal $ 746,304

Clean Water and Wastewater Fund Supports Canadian Infrastructure Development Projects

The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) is a Canadian government funding program that supports short-term infrastructure enhancement projects. The CWWF helps communities across Canada restore water treatment facilities and enhance existing water system infrastructure. Eligible projects must seek to improve drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems.

The CWWF will provide municipalities and local service boards with up to 50% in government grants to offset eligible project costs.

The maximum funding contribution a region may receive can be determined by reviewing the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund’s allocation table. Municipalities with approved projects will be informed of their maximum contribution as defined in their CWWF letter of allocation.

Please Note: The Clean Water and Wastewater Fund is currently closed, however, the program may provide future rounds of funding.

Discover Canadian Government Funding Programs for Municipalities

Government grants and loans are available to municipalities across Canada; the key is understanding where to look and how to optimize funding for strategic projects. In every province, project managers should always seek new government funding opportunities.

Municipalities and LSBs that are interested in determining their current government funding opportunities may contact Ryan for more information.

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