CBaSE: U of Guelph Business/Marketing Plan Development Program Deadline Nov. 15, 2013
What does the CBaSE post-secondary collaboration program offer businesses?
CBaSE is an excellent program offered through the University of Guelph which pairs a 4-5 person team of senior commerce students and their professor with local businesses to tackle an organizational project.
CBaSE students from the following disciplines are available to join your post-secondary collaboration program team:
- Accounting
- Management Economics and Finance
- Marketing Management
- Human Resources Management
- Food and Agricultural Business
- Hotel and Food Administration
- Tourism Management
- Real Estate and Housing
What types of post-secondary collaboration projects does CBaSE support?
The following is a list of some of the most popular areas of researched by CBaSE teams:
- Market Research
- Competitive Research
- Marketing Plans
- Business Plans
- Human Resource Policy
- Sustainable Research and Analysis
How long does a CBaSE project typically last?
All CBaSE projects run for a 12-week period. The next round of CBaSE projects will be from January to April 2014.
What else do I need to know about the CBaSE Program?
CBaSE projects are one semester (12-weeks) in length and run in both the fall (September-December) and winter semesters (January-April). There is a $1200 administrative fee to carry out each project.
The Deadline for the next application is: November 15, 2013.
Choose from one of the following options for additional information about CBaSE:
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