Growing Forward 2 Ontario: Producers Stream Intake Deadlines for 2017


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Growing Forward 2 Ontario (GF2 Ontario) provides government grants to agricultural producers to develop solutions for current industry challenges. The program supports projects that accelerate the growth and expansion of farming operations across the province.

Eligible businesses can access up to 35%-50% to cover eligible project costs to a maximum of $350,000 in Ontario agriculture grants. Program funding can be used to offset innovative projects that lead to new technologies, productivity enhancements, and improved market competitiveness.

Applications for Growing Forward 2 Ontario’s Producers stream must be submitted by June 1, 2017; agricultural producers should prepare applications as soon as possible

Growing Forward 2 Ontario: Producers Stream

Growing Forward 2 Ontario helps businesses maximize revenue growth and expand market presence. A wide variety of projects are eligible to receive funding, including farm-based projects that help meet market demand, reduce product risks, and overall promote more sustainable operations.

The Producers stream of GF2 Ontario provides funding for two types of competitiveness-boosting projects:

  1. Assessment Projects: Planning, studies, and audits to identify areas for improvement; and
  2. Implementation Projects: Completing the identified improvement projects, such as purchasing new equipment or training employees.

Agricultural producers may leverage up to 35-50% of assessment project costs and up to 35% of implementation project expenses.

Business Eligibility

GF2 Ontario will provide government funding to support agri-food producers who:

  • Are an established farming business located within Ontario;
  • Have a valid Premises Identification Number for the farm property where the project will take place;
  • Have an up-to-date Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN); and
  • File business and/or farm income taxes in Ontario.

Please Note: Participants may access a maximum of $350,000 in Ontario business grants through the program.

Eligible Project Focus Areas

Growing Forward 2 Ontario helps agri-food producers manage projects that develop innovative solutions for:

  1. Animal and plant health;
  2. Environment and climate change;
  3. Business and leadership;
  4. Labour and productivity enhancement;
  5. Market development; and
  6. Assurance systems.

Program Success Story: Ontario Government Grants Assist the Growth of 24 Agricultural Businesses

Apply Now for GF2 Ontario Agriculture Grants for Agri-Food Producers

Eligible agri-food businesses should start preparing an application package to be considered for GF2 Ontario agriculture grants. On average, program approval can take up to eight weeks from the date of submission and applicants shoulda void incurring project expenses until they receive a formal notice of funding approval.

Comprehensive application packages for GF2 Ontario’s Producer Stream must be submitted by June 1, 2017.

Contact Ryan to confirm your business’ eligibility for GF2 Ontario’s Producer stream. In addition, our team of Government Funding Planners are available to provide application support.

Contact Us

Learn More About Growing Forward 2 Ontario Agriculture Grants

Get Started     Program Overview     Eligibility Criteria

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