Export Market Access: International Marketing Grants


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Please Note: Export Market Access is now closed and not accepting further applications. For trade show grants and other forms of export support, learn more about the CanExport program.

Export Market Access (EMA)  Ontario government grants are provided to SMEs with the purpose of gaining access to international markets. This government grants for small business program funded by the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC). The funding program assists SMEs in engaging and interacting with foreign audiences for marketing and sales purposes.

Purpose of Export Market Access Ontario Business Grants

EMA funding assists SMEs in establishing funding to attend trade shows, fairs, exhibits, and trade missions that are supported by a recognized third party. At these events, government funding for business is directed towards market development tools such as promotional material that is used to increase interest and awareness in businesses products, services, and activities. The Export Market Access Ontario small business grants can also be used to fund the conducting of market or competitor research for targeted international markets.

Examples of Costs Eligible for Export Market Access Ontario Small Business Grants Funding

  • Trade show booths, related rental costs, electrical, cleaning, carpet, etc. are all eligible under Export Market Access.
  • Travel costs, as well as a per diem allowance for up to 2 representatives will be covered. Follow-up visits with prospects are also eligible, as long as those prospects are outlined in the application.
  • Market Research/Market Intelligence- SMEs looking to fund market research on a target foreign market can incorporate market research into the application.
    • Market research can include research on target market growth, market size, buying trends and attitudes, region regulations, product requirements, distribution channels, and competitor activities in the target market.
    • EMA funding for small business can also be directed at developing an international marketing plan or a market entry plan. Additionally, consultant fees can be funded up to 50%, and when traveling to a foreign market a per diem allowance can be allotted to two company representatives.
    • Marketing Tools: Export Market Access small business grants can be for materials and collaterals that promote the SMEs business activities, goods, and services for target foreign clients. Translations costs for marketing tools can be included in EMA funding along with broader marketing tools such as display panels, pavilions, and information booths.

Export Market Access Small Business Grants

  • A machine manufacturer was able to attend the WestPack Packaging Trade Show and Conference in the United States through the help of EMA small business funding grants. This trade show enabled the manufacturer to interact with clients in the target market and raise awareness of their goods and services in a key demographic. Funding for this project financed two booth space rentals, freight costs, flights for 2 representatives, informational banners, brochures, and promotional material. Attending this tradeshow enabled future marketing initiatives in the international target market and increased international sales.
  • A commercial bakery attended a Private Label Manufacturers Association Tradeshow in Amsterdam with the government funding for businessthey received through EMA. The tradeshow gave manufacturers and retailers a chance to network and showcase their fresh, dry, and frozen food products. Funding received by the commercial bakery went towards exhibit rental costs (including electricity and standard cleaning), airfare for 2 representatives, freight, furniture rental for the exhibit, market research, promotional materials, and airfare for a follow-up visit with a target client. At this trade show, the commercial bakery gained contacts, made introductions to volume buyers, and interviewed brokers in their target market.

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