Ontario Aerospace Business Opportunities & Government Funding Forum
Date: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 from 9am-3:30pm
Location: International Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre, 655 Dixon Road, Toronto ON
Networking Lunch Included
Ontario Aerospace Business Opportunities & Canada Small Business Grants Forum Speakers/Topics
Government Funding Programs |
Bernadeen McLeod, President, Ryan |
Helen Braiter, Director Build in Canada Innovation Program, PWGSC |
Industrial Regional Benefits ( IRBs) |
Harold Deck, Sr. Manager Industrial Development,
FedDev Ontario |
OAC Update, Business Opportunities, Competitiveness
Programs |
Closing Remarks |
OAC and Canadian Small Business Grants Forum Fee
OAC Members: $95.00 + HST
Non-Members: $120.00 + HST
Registration deadline Sept 27th
Guest Rooms for OAC & Ontario Small Business Grants Forum Available
Several rooms are being reserved for attendees of the OAC and Government Small Business Grants Forum until September 20th. The special rates being offered are $139 for a standard room and $154 for a premium king. Reservations can be made directly with the hotel by calling: 416-244-1711 or 1-800-222-8733.
More Information on Presentations Schedule for this Event:
Canadian Business Grants and Loans Opportunities
Bernadeen McLeod will explain how small business loans and grants from the Canadian government, provinces and local municipalities can help your business tackle the barriers of financing in order to achieve your strategic growth goals sooner and easier. Ryan’ President and Owner will take the audience through a variety of programs that aim to help serve your need for working capital, expand your business, fund software or hardware investment, purchase manufacturing equipment and more. Bernadeen and her firm are renowned for their creative ways to approach financing to solve your innovation challenges.
Summary of Canadian Government Grants and Loans Presentation
Bernadeen’s presentation will cover the four different types of government resources and how to find and access them.
Bernadeen McLeod, has worked very successfully helping companies make the most of the many Canadian government funding programs and will share her knowledge with you, including:
- Take the mystery out of how funding mechanisms work,
- The on-line application process,
- Various eligibility factors,
- How the funding cycle works and more
Learn what the experts know about government funding, business support resources and how to keep it simple.
Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP)
The Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) was designed to bolster innovation in Canada’s business sector, by:
- Awarding contracts to entrepreneurs that have pre-commercial innovations
- Testing entrepreneurs’ products or services
- Providing innovators with the opportunity to successfully enter the marketplace
- Providing information on how to do business with the Federal Government of Canada
- Product endorsement by the Federal Government of Canada
CICP targets innovations in four priority areas:
- Environment
- Safety and security
- Health
- Enabling technologies
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) works with stakeholders through the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (OSME) to ensure that SMEs receive the government support they need to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving economy.
Fed Dev’s Presentation on Changes in IRB’s
Harold Deck, Senior Manager Industrial Development,
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario will provide information on new IRB requirements, resources & opportunities.
Learn More about Small Business Grants and Loans Available to Your Business
For more information on Canadian business grants and loans programs including: Top Small Business Grants and Loans for Aerospace, The Top Canadian Business Grants and Loans Available to Manufacturers, The Best Small Business Grants for Hiring, and more visit Ryan’ Canadian Government Funding Blog and sign up for our free Canadian small business grants Canada weekly e-newsletter, and follow us on your favorite social media network, including: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr.
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